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Equiworld is copyright © 2011. Equiworld is/was a registered trademark and/or trademark in the UK and/or other countries All rights reserved.
and the hosts of this archive are not responsible for the content of external websites.
This site was archived as is in 2024, using where possible the original 1996 layout and graphics.
The information contained in this archive is for historic and entertainment purposes only (as much as you would enjoy reading an old magazine or newspaper),
you are advised not to rely on the information within this archive from 1996.
The information on this site has not been copied from other sites or social media, they simply did not exist when this site was created.
If similiar information appears in other places on the internet - it was copied from here!
Equiworld was "born" at John Crawford's Hayfield Riding Centre in Aberdeen Scotland in 1994 under the original name of Equi.Net,
in 1996 Equiworld.Net arrived followed by Equiworld.Com and Equiworld.Org.
The site contains over 250,000 pages, once had a weekly email news letter with over 125,000 subscribers
and was the first equine site anywhere in the world to provide live video streams from horse trials, equine events, and horse shows starting in 1997.
(streaming 100's of events between 1997 and 2009 using the RealAudio and RealVideo technology running on custom FreeBSD hardware put together by Peter Asprey)
Notice - Copyright 1994 to 2024 Equiworld at Hayfield, Aberdeen, Scotland - 30 years on the web. Archived Version.