Desert Shadow, Welara stallion owned by Black
Thorn Ranch of Yucca Valley, Ca |
The Welara
Pony |
The Welara pony is a cross between the Welsh pony
and the Arabian horse. To cross these two animals tends to produce an animal of
exceptional refinement and beauty, with great intelligence and fine
temperament. This cross has been intentionally made for several hundred years,
however the most noteworthy is that of Lady Wentworth of Sussex,
In the early part of this
century she crossed several of her finest stallions, and used her primary
stallion, the Polish bred Skowronek with Welsh mares that she had imported, to
create a pony she admired so much that she made the claim for it that it was
"the most beautiful pony on the face of the earth" as is quoted in
"The Arabian Horse In America" by H. Reese. Lady Wentworth was a
prolific writer, much is said in her writings of this cross. |

Moonlight Ginger, Welara foal owned by Colleen Helps of Telkwa, B.C.
Canada |

Desert Shadow, Welara stallion owned by Black
Thorn Ranch of Yucca Valley, Ca. |
Begun in 1981 by a group of
friends who were horsemen and women, a Registry was formed to give recognition
and benefit to what had become the "Welara pony". Over the next
twenty years the Registry grew and became more and more international, with
members and animals registered in the entire United States, Canada, Jamaica,
New Zealand, Hawaii, England, Wales, Germany and Australia. The primary feature
of the Welara is beauty. He has a naturally arched neck, a dished face, with a
high head carriage. He is very intelligent, basically friendly, and works well
with humans. His disposition is his second most remarkable feature. In almost
all individuals, a desire to please, a liking for human beings, and a generous
giving of himself is very apparent. He is strong, and larger than most pony
breeds. |
The Registry also maintains a
section involving the Foundation animals which make up the breed and is very
proud of them. Fine Arabian and Welsh stallions and mares are numbered among
them. Foundation animals are eligible to compete in any AWPS sanctioned shows
and events. |

Misty Mt. Bumpkin Welara mare and her foal
Misty Mt. Char May, owned by Jamie Carman of North Little Rock,
Arkansas. |
As time went by, various requirements came into
being involving color, height, and general acceptability. Appaloosa
characteristics and coloring were not accepted, as were foals resulting from
embryo transfer, also. A recent increase in size acceptability, now ranging
from 46 to 60 inches permits the use of Welsh Cobs in the breeding program.
People like the feathered feet and the stockier build permits average adults to
ride them, at the same time having the elegant head and refinement of a Welara

Tojo, Welara gelding owned by Dawn Swagel of
Green Bay, Wisconsin. |
Used for fine harness driving,
English pleasure, halter, hunter, native costume, as well as the personal
mount, the Welara has excelled in competitive trail rides against full size
horses, Welara are a most versatile animal |