Welcome back to Equiworld, dear readers! I'm Emma, your humble correspondent from Hayfield near Aberdeen, and this week we're taking a journey back in time to the year 0040, a fascinating era for us equines. As a grey draught horse with a mane and tail the colour of freshly fallen snow, I can't help but be intrigued by the life of my ancestors so long ago.
Let's imagine ourselves galloping across the rolling green hills of Scotland, the wind whipping through our mane as we smell the sweet scent of heather in the air. There are no fences or walls in our path, just vast swathes of untamed wilderness. This is the world of 0040 - a time of freedom and resilience for horses.
The Horses of 0040
Back in this era, horses were less domesticated, more a part of the natural order of things. Our ancestors weren't burdened with saddles and carriages just yet, instead, they roamed freely in large herds, relying on their natural instincts for survival. They would graze in the open, gather in family groups, and learn from their elders.
Though still mostly wild, horses were already forming close bonds with humans. Early people had started to use horses for tasks such as hunting and transportation. They would have ridden bareback, simply using their hands and voices to communicate and direct the horse.
The Power of a Horse
My fellow horses were incredibly important in the lives of people. They served as vital transport across rough terrain, allowing for quicker and more efficient travel compared to walking or running. Imagine a group of humans travelling together, a pack of strong, athletic horses hauling their belongings, carrying them towards their destination, maybe it was a hunting ground or a new settlement, maybe it was simply a family migrating for better pastures for their sheep or cattle.
The power of a horse was crucial in hunting, enabling humans to pursue and take down large prey. It was like a dance of cooperation, horses offering speed and agility, humans with their skill in using tools.
A Time of Adaptation and Learning
Horses were learning, evolving. While humans would use a horse’s natural instincts for their benefit, they also had to be understanding of them, just like how we need to respect and work with horses today.
They would have developed a language of their own, one of flicking ears and snorts, of soft whinnies and stamping hooves. They would have used these languages to express themselves, warn each other of dangers, or celebrate successful hunts.
Imagine a wild grey foal like myself, still learning the ways of the herd, with my mother leading me across the land, watching my elders use their knowledge of the land to lead the rest of our band towards lush meadows and bountiful waterholes.
Looking to the Future
As 0040 came to a close, the relationship between humans and horses continued to grow. This is an era where both parties, humans and horses, were starting to truly understand each other, learning from each other, co-existing and benefiting each other.
This period sets the stage for future innovations. While 0040 was a time of early beginnings for the horse-human partnership, this partnership was building towards something more profound and permanent. The horse would be essential in the growth and progress of humanity, contributing in ways we could barely imagine at this point in time.
The year 0040 is a testament to the incredible bond between humans and horses, a bond that has continued to strengthen over time. Our ancestors in that era were more wild, yet just as powerful and influential in the development of human societies. They are a symbol of the spirit of freedom, strength, and unwavering loyalty that has made horses a truly remarkable species. As we gallop towards the future, it is vital we remember our history and celebrate this special partnership, a partnership that began over 2000 years ago and continues to grow stronger to this very day.
Next Week: Exploring the world of Roman chariot racing in 0065.
Until then, take care, keep your hoofs on the ground, and keep your head up high!
Your faithful correspondent, Emma.