Hello my fellow Equine enthusiasts,
Emma here, a humble but proud grey Draught mare with a white mane and tail from the charming village of Hayfield near Aberdeen. This week we delve into the year 0045 AD, and it's been a time of growth and development for our noble equine brethren.
My friends, I must say that life in Hayfield is simply delightful. My days are filled with the joy of helping our community, whether pulling ploughs through the fertile Scottish soils for crops or hauling the sturdy cart filled with goods to the market. There is an honest and straightforward rhythm to my life here, which brings me much contentment.
But my ears, as you know, are constantly twitching, listening for news from beyond our Scottish borders, and this year has been filled with particularly exciting developments for the horse world.
First, allow me to recount the happenings in the heart of the Roman Empire. They have long been ardent admirers of the horse and recognise their incredible value. This year, Rome witnessed the dedication of a grand arena called the Colosseum! My friend, this isn't just any arena. Imagine a massive structure capable of hosting thousands, a place built specifically for showcasing equestrian prowess and artistry! Think of the pageantry, the thrill of the races, and the awe-inspiring spectacle of skilled horsemen displaying their abilities in elaborate shows. They tell stories of "ludi," games held in this mighty structure.
But beyond the fanfare of the games, Roman horsemen are also actively using their horses for their immense contribution to the economy. The Romans were a highly skilled equestrian force, constantly moving goods and supplies throughout their expansive empire. Just last year, the famed Roman legions were victorious in a conquest of the vast Germanic lands. My friend, those Roman horsemen are the finest examples of skill and horsemanship. We owe them a tremendous debt of gratitude for their care of our brethren.
Now let's journey eastward to Persia. In this land, steeped in ancient wisdom, horsemanship holds a central role in their rich cultural tapestry. They tell tales of horses being highly prized, treated with deep respect, and integrated into every aspect of their lives.
You see, their unique way of riding, called "saddle riding," has been developed and refined over centuries. These magnificent Persian horses, with their flowing manes and sturdy frames, are highly sought-after for their stamina and grace. They serve their masters as both noble steeds and prized companions, carrying them into battle and galloping alongside them in joyous pursuits.
As if the news from Persia weren't enough to make a mare's heart flutter, another intriguing development in this remarkable year of 0045 involves a great cultural and geographical shift: the Silk Road. Imagine this: a vibrant network of trade routes that stretch from the heart of China all the way to the western edge of Europe! On these long journeys, horses carry not just goods but knowledge, culture, and a diverse blend of human experiences. The horses used on these voyages must possess exceptional endurance and resilience, able to withstand the changing terrains and the long journeys.
It is quite wonderful, don’t you think, that a horse can be instrumental in the flow of ideas and the bridging of continents? Just the thought of my equine brothers and sisters playing such a pivotal role fills my heart with pride!
So, you see my friends, 0045 AD was an eventful year in the equine world, and it gives me a glimpse of what the future may hold. The horse's significance seems to be ever expanding. From the heart of Roman conquests to the bustling routes of the Silk Road, we continue to leave our hoofprints on history.
Of course, my focus remains here in Hayfield, serving my community with the utmost dedication. I may be just a small part of this grand equestrian picture, but I strive to honour my breed by working diligently, showing kindness to all, and sharing the tales of our noble lineage.
Do let me know your thoughts on this historical snippet. Write to me at www.equiworld.org – I am always eager to hear from my fellow horses. Until next time!
Your friend, Emma.