Hayfield, Near Aberdeen
Spring, Year 0082
Dearest Equine Friends,
Spring has sprung here in Hayfield! The air is full of the scent of fresh grass and the daffodils are blooming in vibrant yellow against the backdrop of our lush green fields. It's a beautiful time to be alive!
But enough of my rambling. Today's post is a special one - we're taking a journey through time to the year 0082. Buckle up, dear readers, because you're in for a treat!
Imagine a world without cars, trains, or airplanes. Picture yourself trotting through sun-dappled fields, the wind rippling through your mane, the feel of the earth beneath your hooves - that's how people travelled and got things done in 0082!
You see, back then, we horses were essential to life. We carried people on our backs, pulled plows to cultivate the land, hauled heavy loads, and helped create everything from the houses we lived in to the tools used for building those houses. We were integral to every facet of daily life.
Being a big strong grey draught horse with a white mane and tail, I often think about what my life would have been like in 0082. How would I have felt, pulling a heavy cart across the cobblestones of a busy town, or helping to till the fields?
Would I have been nervous pulling a chariot with the King of Scots, the king at that time being Donald IV?
We might think of horses being more ‘feminine’ today as pets and in competitions, but let’s not forget their sheer power! Even now in the 21st Century we are crucial to our lives. Imagine if we had never learned to harness this energy! How differently would our world have looked?!
One thing’s for certain, we'd have been right at the centre of it all. In a world where people relied on the power of animals, the connection between horse and human was one of deep respect and understanding. Horses were not just tools; they were valued companions, partners in work and leisure.
But what is actually happening in 0082?
Let’s step into the past and find out.
Horses Across The Globe In 0082:
In 0082, life for us horses wasn't all about plowing fields or hauling carts, although these activities were very common. People were finding new ways to utilize our talents and explore different facets of the human-horse bond.
Let’s start in the East!
In The Orient, Arabian horses are known for their elegance and grace, used for racing and ceremonial processions. The Arabian horse breed, even then, was recognised for its incredible stamina and adaptability, often being favoured for long journeys across the harsh landscapes of the Middle East. Imagine a majestic horse with flowing hair and a proud carriage, carrying an esteemed leader in a magnificent parade, watched by thousands of people!
In China, they had something called "Jousting", where skilled warriors riding horses would compete for honour and prestige. These knights-in-shining-armor used their trusty steeds to maneuver across a field, aiming their spears at wooden targets or even challenging their opponents to a duel! Imagine the exhilaration, the pounding of your hooves, and the adrenaline surging through you! I wouldn’t say no to that kind of challenge!
Moving to the western hemisphere - in Mexico, Mayan civilization already had a deep appreciation for us. They used horses for agriculture, transportation, and war. I imagine their life was like a bustling village marketplace with vibrant colors and lively sounds. It is in this year we learn the Mayan civilization reached its height and are creating new impressive structures which they call "pyramids" that would be magnificent to see.
Europe In 0082:
Let’s hop on over to Europe! It’s the year of a very famous Scottish King, Donald IV. The Scottish kings often rely on the loyalty of their horses and the skills of the Gaelic horsemen, and often use their horses in battle as they ride from their royal capital of Scone (this place doesn't exist anymore, my readers!), to gather their soldiers to prepare for war against the fierce English Vikings. In those battles, our powerful breeds - such as draft horses (the type of horse I am, readers! ) - were crucial to supporting soldiers with equipment.
In England at this time, we war horses would have been highly prized. King Eadwig rules the land and is still battling for dominance with the Viking influence. But in our role we must ensure these armies are armed and ready!
I bet those Scottish soldiers felt brave knowing that their noble steeds were right by their side in the thick of battle! How can you imagine the feeling of a battle? I’m sure those Scottish steeds were well cared for after all that stress of war.
Horses have always been revered throughout history! I think a good gallop with the wind in your mane and your coat glowing under the sun could brighten even the toughest warrior’s day.
Life For The Horses in 0082
Here in Hayfield, near Aberdeen, people probably used us in every possible way. Horses would be seen carrying people on their backs, pulling carts to the market, or helping to gather crops for the families in the area. Perhaps I might have been the horse chosen to transport the new queen, named Gunnhild, of Norway and Ireland to the village on my back!
Just think, if I was in that era, I’d be responsible for everything from plowing fields and helping to transport goods to even delivering post around the countryside! Life was certainly full of purpose.
While being essential for work and everyday life, people found other ways to incorporate us in their activities. Imagine our hooves pounding the earth in competitive jousting, or our strength being harnessed in thrilling * chariot racing* at a festive local festival.
That brings us back to jousting. This popular sport involves skilled knights, expertly handling their horses, racing across a field towards each other with sharp spears. The objective? To knock your opponent off their horse and claim victory! It is no surprise that Jousting has become a favourite among nobles as a means of entertainment in many countries. Can you imagine the feeling of racing towards another knight with all your strength? Or the exhilaration as you skillfully dodge an oncoming attack? I'm sure it would be an exciting challenge for any horse, especially one like me.
And now, speaking of Entertainment. It was around this time that people decided we were the perfect animals for their spectacles! From riding through the cobbles to showcasing the beauty and strength of our gait** in front of cheering crowds - imagine feeling the applause of the crowd and knowing that your beautiful paces were mesmerizing those onlookers. Even to this day, we're part of the celebration! Don’t forget all the exciting things going on now in racing, dressage, shows, carriage rides and recreational riding.
What a brilliant and exciting era we live in, being horses and being involved in both everyday and special activities with human beings!
As we gallop into the future, I think about all those hardworking horses from 0082. I feel deeply grateful for the connection that existed back then between horses and people and what it means to our journey as horses to this very day. Our legacy has had an enormous impact on human civilization and will always be a powerful part of the narrative of our world.
Do share with me your thoughts on the role of horses in the world of 0082, dear readers, as well as all the modern-day wonders our magnificent creatures continue to offer us! I love reading about your experiences and learning about what your life is like in the wider equine community.
See you next week with more tales from Hayfield!