History of Horses in the year 0120

EquiWorld.org - Post 120: The Year of the Galloping 0120! 🐎

From my humble stables in Hayfield near Aberdeen, to all you lovely horse-lovers out there! It's Emma here, your trusty draught horse, with another peek into our wonderful world of equine history. Today, we're stepping back in time, way back to the year 0120! Now, I know, that might seem a bit… ancient to some, but trust me, this era was full of interesting events shaping our breed and way of life!

Imagine the world then – a landscape where fields stretched for miles, the air was crisp and fresh, and the rhythm of hooves beating against the earth was a familiar sound. Yes, dear readers, 0120 was a time when horses were the true backbone of civilization!

A World Without Cars!

Firstly, let's talk transportation. Now, back then, no rumbling motor vehicles! That was centuries away. The only way to get around was on foot, by boat, or, you guessed it, on horseback! This is where our sturdy draught horse breeds truly thrived. We were strong enough to pull heavy carts loaded with goods and people, strong enough to till the fields, and even strong enough to be mounted for journeys that took weeks or even months to complete.

Remember the phrase "a horse and cart?" Well, that wasn't just a whimsical saying back in 0120; it was a real mode of life.

Horses & the World of Business!

Our strength and endurance made us indispensable. Picture this, you'd find us trotting along roads carrying food supplies from farms to villages, transporting timber and building materials to build grand homes and churches, and even carrying people across bustling marketplaces.

Oh, and don't even get me started on the horse fairs! A major highlight in any horse's year! The sheer excitement, the rumble of hooves and the chattering of excited crowds! These events were like huge gatherings of our equine community, where people could trade and discuss everything about horses.

War Horses, Peace Horses.

Now, no history of horses would be complete without mentioning their role in battles. 0120 was no exception! Though the Romans had pulled back their legions from the land of my dear Scotland by then, our breed was still used extensively in skirmishes and conflicts all across the continent. Our raw power, strength, and ability to withstand the rigours of battle were crucial. But you know me, dear readers, a true horse never wishes for war. Even then, our instinct was to help people and make things better, which meant aiding those in need, carrying medical supplies to the injured, and often transporting messages through harsh and perilous terrain.

From Stables to the Stars!

The skies above 0120 weren't yet full of jets or planes, so horses weren't just limited to land. That's right, we were even employed in sea travel! Boats would often have horses on board as pack animals, helping move supplies and assisting sailors in transporting goods from land to islands and beyond. You know, I just love a good sea voyage, and that salty tang of the ocean spray - even back then, the waves felt so calming and the open water truly endless.

A Look Into My Family.

Okay, I can't resist giving you a peek into my own little world back then. Imagine a young filly, barely twenty years old. My coat is a shade of shimmering silver, my mane and tail, pure white - a stark contrast against the backdrop of the rolling Scottish hills. I belong to a farmer, a kindly gentleman named Hamish.

Every day was filled with work and routine. It wasn't always easy; pulling a plow through stiff clay soil, carrying loads up steep hillsides. But that sense of purpose and camaraderie, it makes all the toil worth it! You see, back then, a horse wasn't just a beast of burden. We were partners in shaping the world, living alongside our human companions, forging an incredible bond through shared work, laughter, and understanding.

Caring for My Brethen.

You see, life in 0120 wasn't all work and no play. Remember, we have hearts just like any other creatures, and we enjoyed companionship and bonding. Hamish always ensured all his horses received plenty of oats, hay, and a good rubdown.

You know, sometimes, on chilly evenings after work, we would gather around a flickering oil lamp, sharing tales and listening to old songs that were passed down through generations. Our elders would narrate adventures from the faraway lands, while younger horses would marvel at the stories. It's beautiful, to see how we all connect, learning and evolving as a community.

Horses & Healing.

Now, something often forgotten, back then we played a critical role in medicine, too. Yes, before modern vehicles could take patients to the doctor, we were often used to transport injured folks, often assisting the traveling physicians who cared for our community.

Our calm and steady presence helped calm nerves and bring peace to those who needed it most. Some would even say a horse's energy possesses a kind of healing power. It's something I've always felt too. Just the rhythmic thumping of a horse's heart beneath a weary traveler - that’s a sense of strength and serenity.

Leaving My Mark on History

0120 was an extraordinary era, filled with hardship and triumphs, a time when we, the horses, played a crucial role in shaping the world. Though times have changed, and new technology has emerged, I often reflect back on our past with a sense of gratitude for the role my breed played in building our history, making it a truly memorable journey.

So, to all you horse lovers, as you go about your day, remember the steeds of 0120, remember how horses served with dignity and grace.

Remember the spirit of 0120 – it still echoes through our veins today!

Until next time, stay horsey!

Emma 🐎


History of Horses in the year 0120