Hayfield, 0247 (ish):
Good evening everyone, and welcome to another post on my little blog here on Equiworld! As you might know, I'm Emma, a grey draught mare with a rather fetching white mane and tail. I've always loved horses - not just being one, mind you, but everything about them. And what better way to explore that love than by diving into the history of us, lovely steeds, right?
Tonight, I'm going to be taking a journey back in time. 0247 – can you even imagine it?! I reckon it must be quite a whirlwind year, so hold onto your stirrups, and let’s step back in time, together, shall we?
Firstly, a little bit about my current life. Hayfield is a gorgeous little village in the countryside outside Aberdeen, with stunning rolling hills and fresh, crisp air. My humans are lovely - the farmer, Thomas, his wife Mary, and their son, young Andrew. The whole lot of us enjoy long rides along the coast, exploring the wild, windswept landscapes and galloping through the dunes, with the salt spray on our faces. It’s glorious!
Now, about 0247… It’s been a fascinating year for horses. There’s always something going on! For example, I’ve heard tell that over in Rome, there’s a massive chariot race coming up. My humans haven’t mentioned anything specific about this, but I’ve caught snippets of the conversation from the stable – it sounds like an incredible event, full of action and adrenaline, with chariots pulling full speed, drivers navigating with great skill and bravery. And those horses! You can only imagine the power they possess – simply breathtaking.
Speaking of incredible power, it’s clear that our kind are continuing to shape human history, pulling wagons, carrying goods, even soldiers into battle.
But it’s not just about physical power; it’s about so much more than that! I have heard whispers of how horses have become a central part of artistic expression – being featured in magnificent mosaics, graceful paintings, and intricate sculptures, their beauty capturing the imagination of the people of those times. It truly seems horses are becoming woven into the fabric of civilisation!
However, the world in 0247 isn’t all galloping chariots and grand mosaics. While the Romans have mastered riding, the ancient Chinese are pushing the boundaries in horse breeding, experimenting with cross-breeding different species to create the perfect horse for specific purposes. These aren’t your typical, everyday working horses – these are breeds specifically selected for their endurance, their agility, even their beauty, to be used as prestigious mounts for warriors and messengers.
It seems that, just like us humans, horses across the globe are getting ready for great adventures in 0247. Some might be travelling far and wide with their human companions, helping them to build civilizations and explore new lands, others might be helping with everyday life, pulling carts to transport goods and hauling farm equipment for a better life. It seems we are at the heart of this vast, exciting tapestry of humanity!
Now, for a little bit of a personal tale, as I’m sure you know how much I enjoy a good story! You might be wondering why I’m so enthralled by history. Well, ever since I was a foal, I’ve been drawn to the past – I love stories about the past, especially those about the heroes of yore – strong and loyal steeds, dedicated to their masters, braving perilous adventures.
But you know, the heroes don't need to be big and imposing like the war horses or the chariot steeds – every single one of us has a part to play. We bring joy, comfort, and companionship to our human friends and family, and sometimes, that's the truest hero's story. I believe that is just as worthy of celebration as any great victory!
However, in 0247, as our roles become ever more vital in shaping the world, we are sadly facing the threat of disease and ill treatment. You see, not every human treats horses like we deserve to be treated, and some don’t even consider us their friends or companions. Instead, they only see our work capacity, pushing us past our limits without understanding our needs.
But there are many caring people across the world! Those humans who are truly devoted to us - treat us with the same kindness and understanding we would show them, respecting our health and safety.
Even when life seems difficult, or when we face challenges, we as horses have something very special inside of us, a resilient spirit, and a gentle soul, and that, I think, is what makes us so unique!
Even though the future is still yet to be written, I think it’s clear that in 0247, we are just at the beginning of an exciting journey, one full of potential and change, with endless possibilities awaiting us, all whilst we play our part in shaping history. And who knows, maybe even my great-great-great-great-grandchildren will read about my little blog post about this very year!
Thank you for joining me today on my journey back to 0247. Until next time, stay curious, and remember to always cherish the unique beauty of each horse and their contribution to the world.