Hello there, lovely Equine friends! It's Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood grey mare from Hayfield near Aberdeen. Welcome back to my humble blog!
As you know, I love sharing my thoughts on the world of horses - a world that's changing every day. This week, we're taking a little trip back in time. Let's explore the world of horses in the year 2092 - a time that may seem distant to some of you, but I'm here to tell you that horses are still very much at the heart of it all!
Now, I was born in 2072 - a full 20 years ago, can you believe it? That makes me a seasoned mare, with plenty of stories to tell. But in the year 2092, I was a sprightly 20-year-old - still young and full of energy!
2092 was a year of exciting new developments in the world of horses. Just as the technology that makes this very blog possible is rapidly evolving, so too is our horsey world! The use of horses in the city for urban logistics was taking off – I had a cousin in London, working for a food delivery company! Imagine - we could now bring food to people's doorsteps right in the heart of bustling London. How brilliant is that? It certainly gives the phrase "getting the goods on horseback" a whole new meaning!
Another thing that was taking the equine world by storm was the rise of horse-assisted therapy. I'd seen it with my own eyes here in Hayfield - a young girl with a difficult time interacting with others began spending time with our gentle farm horses. I heard from the people at the farm that the way her eyes lit up when she touched one of our faces was incredible. It just goes to show how our gentle spirits can bring joy and peace to even the most troubled hearts. The impact of the therapy horses on those people's lives truly warmed my heart, and reminded me why I was so proud to be a horse.
Of course, back then we still had the classic uses for horses. Farming in particular remained vital - horses like myself, sturdy and dependable, were the backbone of many farms. We would be needed to help with tasks such as pulling ploughs, transporting crops, and rounding up sheep. We were integral parts of their everyday lives - it felt wonderful to be so useful!
Speaking of usefulness, the Highland Gathering at Braemar that year was a spectacular affair! I wasn’t lucky enough to compete, as I’m a workhorse, not a show horse. But it's always such a joy to see fellow horses strut their stuff and showcase their impressive strength and athleticism. The crowds were roaring - even I got caught up in the excitement from Hayfield, hundreds of miles away! The excitement for the horse-drawn carriage race was palpable!
Another highlight of 2092 was the arrival of new research into horse care and nutrition. It was a wonderful time to be a horse - scientists were really working to improve our health and wellbeing! They discovered the impact of certain types of forage on our coat condition – that's right, ladies, no more bad hair days! Of course, back in 2092 I was a bit oblivious to this, as I didn't fully understand all the research behind it, but all I knew is that my coat felt incredibly glossy!
The research on horse training was equally impressive, leading to a renewed interest in natural horsemanship. We are creatures of natural instinct and communication - by working with those natural elements we can be happier, healthier, and more harmonious in our partnerships with humans. They discovered a better way to understand horse communication! For example, did you know that horses can learn to follow a laser pointer? Amazing, isn't it?
Another change I noticed during my year of youth in 2092, was the rising trend of equestrian sports for children. More and more children were joining riding schools - learning how to care for, communicate with, and ride their horses. It was heart-warming to see, because a deep connection between children and horses helps foster a love of animals and a love of nature. This makes for a better world for both us, and for humankind.
We also began to see the growth of sustainable horse-related businesses - imagine! Think horse-powered transportation, for instance - a beautiful horse-drawn carriage pulling guests to a luxurious country manor, a sleek carriage effortlessly moving passengers through the park, even deliveries by horse and cart!
Not just sustainable in terms of its impact on the environment, it was sustainable in terms of longevity too! A horse-drawn carriage is just far more charming and beautiful than a car! And imagine all those exciting careers too - like working as a professional groom! It really does feel like our roles have become increasingly vital to so many people’s lives. It feels very special to know that we have so much to offer the world!
And the thing I found most satisfying about this year in the life of horses? It felt like more and more humans were truly embracing a respect for horses, valuing their natural intelligence, and recognizing the role they can play in so many different areas of life. I could feel it happening, everywhere I went!
Of course, like any other year, there were challenges. As you know, horses don't just happen - there is a responsibility to our welfare that involves good horse keeping, care and feeding. Sometimes humans struggled to understand that - so it’s important to stay alert to their welfare needs, always looking for improvements that can make us even happier. But overall, 2092 was a fantastic year for horses! It felt like a stepping stone to a truly incredible future!
Of course, there is still so much more to say about 2092 – just when you think you know all there is to know about the horses, the amazing world we live in seems to come up with another amazing thing! And believe me, I have a feeling there will be even more exciting adventures waiting for horses in the years to come!
Thank you for joining me, my friends! Remember to visit EquiWorld often and tell me what you think - your comments mean the world to me! Until next time!
Yours hoof-heartedly, Emma, Hayfield, near Aberdeen