Hello there, dear readers! It’s Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood grey draught mare from Hayfield, just outside of Aberdeen. Now, I know what you’re thinking – “0303? Isn't that a bit… well, ancient?” Well, I have to admit, it is! But, I like to say it’s “vintage,” wouldn’t you agree? So today, we're going to dive into a bit of horse history, and explore what life was like for a horse like me in the year 0303! Buckle up, and let’s get started!
For a horse like myself, born in the glorious Scottish Highlands, life in 0303 was, as I often like to say, ‘plain and simple.’ We were working animals, nothing more, nothing less. Our days were filled with pulling plows and carts, helping to harvest crops and transporting goods, all in support of the local human communities.
You see, even back then, horses were already integral to the running of society. Without us, there would have been no way to cultivate the land efficiently. You’d see us hauling timber for construction, delivering grain to the local mills, and even transporting those long, heavy slabs of stone from quarries, helping to build impressive structures like Roman forts and villages. We were, you could say, the unsung heroes of those times!
My day starts early, with the sound of crowing cocks and the warm rays of sun peeking over the hills. The farm is quiet, a welcome change to the bustle of our busy days, but soon the human folk start their daily tasks, and that’s my cue to rise too. I graze in the meadows, with my fellow mares, and their foals, while my owner, a kind, burly fellow called Dougal, gathers the tools needed for the day’s work.
Now, we drafty types weren't as fast as our sleeker, smaller cousins, the steeds ridden by the warrior folk. But we sure were strong, and dependable. Our powerful build is ideal for the rough terrain around our Hayfield, pulling loads for hours on end.
Speaking of steeds, these are horses with a whole different world of work to them! I've seen the odd group of warriors ride through Hayfield, magnificent animals clad in shining metal armor, their riders draped in heavy cloaks and holding gleaming spears. I admire their swiftness, but let’s be honest, the kind of tasks they face – war and travel across foreign lands – would be completely alien to us draught horses. Our lives are humble but fulfilling, we bring a purpose and support for life to continue around us.
Now, 0303 marks a time when horses were highly regarded across the vast Roman Empire. Imagine, those folks have taken the art of warfare and transportation to another level entirely. These Romans, they have these special carts designed to hold a huge amount of goods, their wheeled creations allow them to move their legions of troops and their heavy artillery across great distances.
Of course, those armies are mostly led by warriors mounted on those agile steeds I told you about! I’ve even heard tell of chariot races! Can you imagine? Now that sounds exciting, but also a little dangerous, to be honest. It's like those knights that we’ve seen from time to time, all in shiny metal armour, riding through our lands. Imagine that – us pulling those carts filled with hay or rocks for a day’s work, then being pulled into a chariot race! A real thrill, although maybe a bit too fast for me!
Oh, speaking of Roman influence, the folks here in Hayfield have even started using metal shoes for their horses. I myself have them, which helps to protect my hooves on those rough and rocky trails we sometimes need to navigate. Makes for a smoother journey for everyone. The human folk really have the right idea when it comes to care for their horses! They even keep us well-fed with oats and barley. They take care of their horses – us horses - with much love and affection. I tell you, it truly makes life in 0303, well, bearable!
After a day's work, as the sun sets over the fields, a peaceful sense settles upon us. We are taken back to the stable, and given fresh hay, barley, and sometimes even some tasty carrots. That sweet, comforting smell of barley, I swear, I’d know that smell anywhere! A bit like coming home after a long journey, doesn't it? Our stall is soft, with hay for bedding, and I can already feel a sigh of relief settling into my muscles after a hard day's toil. I give my faithful groom Dougal a good rub on his hand, thanking him for a job well done.
But enough about me. Life isn’t just about hard work. Being a mare also means being a mother! I recall a young filly named Thistle, who joined the farm just last year. She is a spirited one, full of life and curious about everything! I always take it upon myself to teach her, about the ways of the world and how to pull the plows and carts safely. She even learnt the way to sniff out the juiciest dandelion patches and the best places to find tasty grasses, especially on those sun-soaked meadow areas! It fills my heart with such pride to know she’ll be able to navigate these tasks in years to come. It brings me joy, she'll also carry on my legacy as we make our own contributions to this ever-changing world, so the people in this area can continue to thrive.
In truth, 0303 was a year that began like every other year for us: a blend of work, community and family. We horses lived in the present, meeting the demands of life, helping to create something worthwhile and strong. This is, I guess, the nature of a horse’s life – it’s simple, honest, and rewarding, knowing we make a difference to the human world around us.
Well, that's it for now! If you'd like to see more pictures, you can always find them at the Equiworld website, at www.equiworld.org! You can even join the conversation! Comment and ask any questions you might have, about 0303, horses in general, or anything you feel like! Till next time, stay strong, and be proud of your inner horses!
Bye-bye, for now!
Your friend,