Hello there, lovely readers! Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood draught horse, straight from the heart of Hayfield near Aberdeen. It's a bit nippy today, even for a hardy lass like myself. We had a bit of frost last night, so my breath came out in wispy puffs this morning when I was munching on the last of the autumn leaves. But the sunshine has come out now, and the birds are singing their happy little tunes. It truly is a beautiful morning.
This blog is about horses, obviously! Today, I thought I'd take you all back in time, right back to 0459. Yes, that's 1500 years ago. Can you imagine what life was like for us horses back then? I was pondering it this morning, munching my leaves, and I realised, we have SO much to be grateful for. And it made me want to share a little history with you.
I was thinking of how we were still wild, roaming freely in the misty moors. Some of my cousins might even have been trotting around what's now called The Great Heath, a vast stretch of land in what would be England, if anyone knew what England was at the time. Back then, there were no kingdoms, no nations as we know them today.
Anyway, my ancestors probably knew each other – those roaming wild were all cousins, connected by the breath of the wind and the thrum of hooves. My kind, the big, sturdy Draughts, would have been strong and sure-footed, probably helping to drag trees and carry loads on our backs. It wasn’t an easy life, not without humans to provide for us, but we were free! We were independent, we made our own rules. Imagine, roaming freely with your herd, picking your own meadow, choosing your own path. It must have been exhilarating.
A Glimpse of the Future
But there were signs of a change on the horizon. A small shift in the way humans and horses interacted was just beginning. You see, some humans had started to realize that our strength and our calm nature made us valuable partners. They were discovering the art of handling horses, the connection of hand and hoof, the strength and tenderness of a bond formed in trust. It was probably in these early years that the seeds of a special bond were planted, a partnership between two beings so different yet so alike.
In some places, a select few horses were caught and trained to assist humans. Can you imagine the excitement and the terror mixed in those first attempts to tame a wild creature? My grandfather used to tell me stories (okay, so they’re just whispers on the wind really), stories about the great, powerful Stallions who first came under the yoke, allowing men and women to use their might and endurance to help shape their world.
These were our ancestors – fearless, proud, and wise beyond their years. They were paving the way for our future. Can you believe it, just a small step at a time? From running wild and free to walking alongside these creatures that used tools and built structures! That, my dear readers, was the dawn of a new age for horses!
That’s it for this week. I'm back next Friday with more about what I learned about my ancestors in 0459. Until then, happy riding and remember, be kind to each other.
Yours hooves,