Hello there, my fellow equines! It's Emma here, from the rolling green hills of Hayfield, near Aberdeen, Scotland. The sun is shining, the hay smells divine, and there's a lovely gentle breeze blowing through my white mane and tail - the perfect day to chat about life as a horse back in the year 0533.
It's a time of change, my friends. We're right in the heart of the Dark Ages, though as a horse, I'm not so sure about the 'dark' part. Sure, there aren't many Roman bath houses anymore (pity!), and the world feels a little wilder, with kingdoms changing hands every other day. But it's still a good life for a horse like me!
Now, I might be a grey draught horse, and I wouldn't say 'glamourous' was the word for my life. My days are mostly spent pulling the heavy wooden plough across our fields, turning over the rich black soil. And let me tell you, there's nothing quite as satisfying as a field newly tilled, the fresh earth fragrant and promising a bumper harvest come autumn. It's honest, hard work, yes, but also very rewarding. We, the horses, are the backbone of the local community, bringing in the harvest that feeds everyone.
But today, I'm not just here to talk about the daily grind. Oh no, my dear friends, there are exciting things happening in the horse world! Let's travel back to 533 AD and explore some of them together.
A Whirlwind of Empire:Across the sea, a mighty warrior by the name of Justinian rules the Eastern Roman Empire, also known as the Byzantine Empire. From the glorious city of Constantinople, he spreads his influence throughout the Mediterranean world.
You might be thinking, "Emma, what's the Byzantine Empire got to do with us?" Well, they are the biggest fans of horses you could find! Justinian loves horses - you can't be a good warrior without a trusty steed, right? He boasts a massive stable filled with horses of every breed, colour, and purpose, from mighty war horses to nimble racers.
He even has special "hippodromes" built, enormous tracks where men and horses race each other, a grand spectacle attracting crowds from far and wide. Just imagine, thousands of people cheering for their favourite rider and horse! I must admit, it's not quite the same as rolling in a field of clover, but the thrill must be extraordinary.
A Gallop through the Americas:Speaking of extraordinary things, did you know there were horses in the Americas even back then? No, they weren't on this side of the pond yet, they were the wild ones, living free and running free in the Americas. That's right! The Americas were untouched by horses until much, much later, when they were introduced by the Spanish. But for now, they run free in their vast land, a true marvel of nature.
Horses in War and Peace:Now, we all know horses are powerful animals, capable of feats of strength and agility, which is why they were so essential in the lives of our human companions back then.
In the north of England, the Anglo-Saxons and the Britons are fighting for control of the land. There, in the heat of battle, a warrior relies on the swiftness of his warhorse. They charge together, a fearless partnership, with the warrior wielding his sword or axe, all the while depending on his loyal horse to carry him through danger.
Meanwhile, in the calm of rural Ireland, horses are essential for transport. They carry goods, help with farming, and even carry messages from village to village, bridging the distances between people.
A Horse's Best Friend:Now, you might be thinking: "Emma, you've been talking about what people are doing with horses, what about us horses themselves? How did horses live back in those days?"
It's true! My life, as a work horse, is about serving people, but I’d be remiss not to acknowledge that our lives were pretty darn good in those days. We had ample space to graze and frolic in the fields, we enjoyed the fellowship of our fellow horses, and we were valued for the contribution we made.
Take me for example, I wouldn't trade this life for anything! My human companions, the kind family I live with, treat me well, they provide me with good food, and I have plenty of space to wander around with my friends. Even though we work hard, there is time for play and rest. There are quiet evenings in the stables where I enjoy a good, juicy apple and a warm rub-down from my favorite human, a lovely farmer’s wife called Elspeth. She always tells me I am her best girl, and she always seems pleased to be with me. She doesn’t just look at me as a farmhand, she looks at me as a friend. This is a special relationship that we share and one that makes life fulfilling.
Horses are a symbol of strength, agility, and freedom, and these are all qualities that were held in high regard by the people of those times. And although life may be simple for a farm horse like myself, I am truly blessed to be part of this era!Remember, this is just a glimpse into the life of a horse in 533. There are many more stories to be told, but that’s what this blog is about – celebrating the wonder, history, and love for horses in every time and era.
See you next time on EquiWorld.org, and don’t forget to leave a comment to let me know what you think. I would love to hear from all my fellow equines!