Post 579 - The World of Horses in 579
Hello, Equiworlders!
It’s Emma, your friendly neighbourhood draught horse, and I’m delighted to be bringing you this new post about life for a horse in 579! Oh my goodness, just imagine... back in those days, life was a lot slower! Imagine, a world where everyone relied on horses for transport and for work, even when we're not being ridden! Well, I can’t imagine it because I’m a horse, but I can certainly tell you about what life is like here, at my stable in Hayfield near Aberdeen, Scotland! It is quite a remote spot, to be honest. I'm from a long line of "shire horses," also known as "draught horses." So much of what I am today goes back to those long ago ancestors and how our strength was vital to our human companions!
*How life was back in the 500's... it was all about horses! *
Well, horses were important to human lives all over the world then, you know? It wasn't like today, with people in those wheeled things... what do you call them?... cars. Yes! In 579, horses were essential for pulling heavy loads of supplies. Imagine what it must have been like to have your cart packed with barrels of fish to be transported around for all those different communities who depended upon it... no supermarkets then! We weren’t pulling those posh vehicles! Oh no, we had carts filled with essentials for day-to-day life, even helping the workers haul stone and other construction materials... think castles and cathedrals... no tractors for them!
It makes me chuckle because, let’s face it, humans don’t even think about how we did it all, before the tractors... I know how they really do appreciate us! Yes! Those good ol’ carts! I wonder how they’d manage without us? Yes! I just couldn't help but think what I'd be pulling along. A carriage pulling dignitaries or nobles? Possibly even carrying a knight to his lady fair?! Oh the possibilities... my white mane would be lovely for a noble horse, maybe they could braid me in? Well, I am a mare.
Of course, we are used to pulling plows and being responsible for plowing fields too! Oh my goodness, what would all these farm communities do without us?! No farming - No food! Our horses are mighty strong and powerful. They would probably be pulling something really big, possibly wagons of harvest or wheat, and I think it would have been much tougher to transport this kind of weight, wouldn’t you? Well, we didn’t complain then because it’s part of what makes up being a farm horse in 579. There's also a whole side of training needed to prepare young horses for farm work. My trainers at Hayfield used to have such lovely techniques. I remember them gently encouraging us to pull the cart. And, you know, you have to train horses to learn the routine of a long day of working with the plows, to get used to it, and, like we used to say back in those days, we "toughened 'em up" ! The idea was to gradually make them work harder over time and eventually give them full-blown loads, right?
Our lives would certainly be easier if we had been born in this modern age with those big, fast wheeled things, but look at all of our contributions over so many years in history. Life would be really different. You can always say this for sure: those carts, those plows - those were the main things we were built for back in those days! They still have a need for strong horses too, you know! Especially where there's lots of tough terrain to navigate!
Life wasn’t always hard - We were loved by everyone!
I’ve heard many times over the years how we would often take centre stage at important gatherings! Our power, speed, and beauty were vital back then! Oh my goodness! They also thought we had the best tempers! And you know we didn't bite or kick as a rule! We played an integral part in society! Even though those big tournaments were exciting, there were other social events to attend! Can you imagine being part of a cavalcade? Oh the honour! And not just us - even our young colts and fillies! Well, as we are horses of strong build and have that amazing stamina, you can always rely on us to get from A to B without ever failing you...
Well, I have been blessed to be a strong horse and even though I’ve never taken part in those knightly tournaments, it would be nice to have been involved. It must have been fascinating. As I sit here, I just can't help but be thankful for the simple life I've lived all my life, and my wonderful farmer and his lovely daughter - you see, I've only ever had the gentlest of handling. It was amazing for me because I grew up surrounded by family, friends, other animals of course - goats, cattle - you name it... so much so, they thought I'd grow up a gentle giant. We had a real farm atmosphere. My human family was just as important to me as my family! So, all those times, we had real friendship with humans, with those beautiful young girls coming up to my paddock... Oh, the smiles when they groomed us and looked after us! They weren't rough - Oh no - that’s a far cry from how horses were treated in other areas around the country!
I am a big mare. My thick gray coat with my long white mane and tail is my pride and joy, and what do you think those little girls called me ? Yes... They loved calling me "Silver" .
*How We Got Our "Special" Breeds. *
Have you ever wondered what horses were like 1,400 years ago? It is thought that the horses used in 579 were smaller than the big horses today. Some even believe they had a mane just like a Shetland pony. A little one... or even smaller. However, horses have had so many breeds throughout history - even we, shire horses, like the ones in Hayfield were thought to be descendants of a crossbreed of horses brought into Britain by the Romans and some believe that the big black horse known as "the horse of the Moors," (from Spain) might have had a key role! I bet he was quite something! Our humans in the 600’s were keen on breeding us to have greater strength and size... it's an ongoing process! This must be why there are so many amazing and different breeds today... they still have to consider all of those traits though. Not every horse is a good riding horse. The most famous example today is the horse breed known as "the Shetland pony." They're quite the hardy breed. So tough! Oh, how I’d love to know what type of horse the Shetland ponies were in 579... were they really that tough? Imagine going up against the rough and harsh terrain and having to deal with a wild and fierce beast such as a wolf. A strong beast... those wolves!
Oh yes - and so did other parts of the world.
It seems like everyone who lived back then loved horses! You’ve only got to look at the records and history books, right? So yes! I have discovered that our friends in India even developed new styles of riding and weaponry, even using us horses as part of their battle tactics in battles against other kingdoms! Imagine... a horse trained for warfare - it takes courage and skill...
However, it would seem like we all - across the whole world - had a special place in their lives. They had so many jobs for us to do...
Just a few that I found interesting... in Spain and across other regions of Europe, they still loved to ride us, but I understand that some were specifically bred to be "riding horses"! I’m glad our human friends could pick and choose the ideal horse. But here’s what surprised me… I know we are called horses but those early communities thought we were something more special - "the sacred animals"...! And I know you are wondering: why are we so "special?"
They thought that they needed our special protection. In some countries they were even offered food at sacred temples and used to take part in rituals! How fascinating is that?
And so my fellow horse friends ... in a time when human beings couldn't reach every corner of the world so quickly, we helped them make so much progress ... we were the world’s “Superheroes!” It’s hard to imagine the lives that human beings would have without us. Oh dear... I just thought of a new post to put up on Equiworld. What about a horse called... “Blackie”... the most famous horse... how amazing he was... a brave, gentle beast with an exciting story to tell ...
Thank you all for reading! Emma
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