Equiworld Blog - Post 1653: A Grey Mare's Life in 1653
Auld Lang Syne, dear friends, and welcome to my little corner of Equiworld!
I'm Emma, a young grey mare, with a mane and tail as white as fresh snow, and I live in Hayfield, a wee village near Aberdeen, in the glorious land of Scotland. Now, it's 1653, and the world is bustling, just like my fellow steeds and I. We're a busy lot, these horses! Our days are full of work, from pulling heavy ploughs through the fields to carrying precious cargo across the land.
This year feels momentous, much like the year I was born! This very day, we are preparing for a special occasion. You see, the local folk have organised a grand feast for their Lord and Lady, in celebration of their wedding anniversary. It’s to be a merry occasion with delicious foods, lovely music, and of course, horses to grace the proceedings! The menfolk are meticulously grooming us, our manes and tails brushed until they shine like silk. We're being fed the choicest oats, our hooves gleaming under the watchful eyes of the farrier. Even the harness we wear has been given a good scrub and polish! You know, when we look our best, it gives us all a real boost of confidence, even us horses!
I was thinking this morning about how things have changed for our equine kin. It seems just yesterday that we were pulling the carts carrying heavy rocks for the construction of new houses and stables in Hayfield. But then again, the village seems to have grown in just the last few years.
You know, I find myself pondering on our role in the world, not just here in Hayfield but across the world. This week I was listening to the farmer's daughter, Elspeth. She has such a love of learning! She was telling me all about the book she was reading on “The Anatomy of Horses," and how our magnificent bodies help us to pull those mighty carts! We are the backbone of transportation and commerce! Imagine that!
But not only are we hard workers, we’re also cherished companions. Every day I see the love in the eyes of children as they brush our coats and feed us treats. Our presence in the village brings a sense of community and warmth, don’t you think?
Just like today, when the villagers have taken to decorating our flanks with lovely ribbons and flowers. They even strung garlands of bright blooms across our backs! It's beautiful! We are their symbols of strength and power. Their very livelihood, and in many ways their family.
My friend, a beautiful dappled mare named Elsie, was just telling me about the Grand Newmarket Races! Now, these are famous events, attracting lords and ladies from far and wide. Elsie knows this from listening to the menfolk chatter. Her master travels often with his goods, to nearby towns and markets. You see, she and I have very different roles! Elsie pulls the merchant's wagon carrying cloth, lace and buttons to sell, and even flour for bread. And you'll be surprised at all the wares from distant lands that make their way back with her. Imagine! We horses see all kinds of things.
It makes me happy, this travel that Elsie's master does! She returns home with all these tales! Stories of bustling towns and busy streets, of beautiful architecture and grand buildings. Of horses like her pulling all sorts of carriages!
It is something I would like to experience. But I know my place is here, for now, at least! Hayfield is home to me, and it is here that I serve the kind people who care for me.
Oh! The festivities are about to begin. I can already hear the sound of fiddles playing and people laughing! I believe that's my cue to step into the spotlight. The Lord and Lady are arriving soon, and I am ready!
But wait, I nearly forgot to tell you about this extraordinary animal I’ve been reading about in my owner’s tattered journal! Imagine, a breed of horse with magnificent, swirling coats! They’re called Arabs, from a distant land called Arabia. This journal talks about their grace, speed, and agility! Imagine what a marvel to witness! I long to meet one of these Arabian horses someday!
Well, my dearest equine friends, I must leave you now. The music has started and I'm ready to carry my part in this joyous celebration! Until next time, may your days be filled with happiness and adventure!
Hayfield, Scotland