Equine Chronicles: 1893
A grey mare’s perspective on a year in the life of horses
Posted on www.equiworld.org by Emma, Hayfield, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Gently neighs, readers, it’s Emma here, penning my 1893 Equine Chronicles, for the pleasure of my fellow four-legged friends (and their human companions, of course!).
The air here in the highlands has a crisp chill to it this morning, the smell of heather and the peat smoke from the village hearths filling my nostrils. My white mane and tail stand out starkly against the dawn sky. As I munch on my breakfast of oats and barley, I find myself pondering all that has transpired since the start of this remarkable year. It feels a little surreal, almost a dream, the rapid change we are witnessing as horses are now becoming more than just beasts of burden. We are evolving, alongside the rapid advances of technology and society, and for the first time in my young life, I see horses in a whole new light.
Let me tell you, this has been a busy year! My days are a whirlwind of hard work and excitement. But let’s back up for a moment – for the uninitiated, let me introduce myself. I am Emma, a young, sturdy grey draught horse, just turned twenty. I live a wonderful life in the rolling fields near the charming village of Hayfield in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. You could say I'm a typical country girl. My days involve hard work – toiling in the fields with the farmers, pulling ploughs and carting heavy loads – but it’s work that gives my life a sense of purpose.
This year however, I’ve seen more change than in all my previous years combined. In my limited capacity as a humble working horse, I am starting to understand the massive societal changes happening around me, and how horses are changing with the times.
And just when you thought we couldn't get any cooler than hauling the heavy loads for humanity – surprise! – we are now taking on glamorous roles, even entertaining royalty! It’s not just my stable mates back in Aberdeen that have been making waves either – my equine cousins all over the globe have been busy too! Let me spill the beans, dear readers – from the vibrant racing tracks of Epsom Downs, to the crowded city streets of London, the year 1893 has seen incredible achievements for all sorts of horses, large and small!
Here are some of the biggest equestrian highlights from 1893:
The Racing World:
As ever, the racing world is alive with passion and competition. Back in May, the prestigious Epsom Derby saw the champion horse "Isinglass" claim victory. This powerful bay colt is now known across the land – and the winning horse's owner is receiving enormous acclaim! It was an exceptional performance, with Isinglass winning with what many are calling "superhuman strength and speed". It seems my breed cousins are gaining immense prestige, with our grace and power, becoming increasingly recognised throughout society.
But, that's not all! The year also witnessed the emergence of another brilliant racer: the legendary “Bayardo.” With an undeniable elegance and a lightning-fast gait, Bayardo made headlines for his thrilling victories across the UK. They say his endurance is quite extraordinary – truly a marvel of the racing world. This year, I've heard whispers of some new techniques for training horses too – like scientific "speed exercises". It seems that with all the new techniques and dedication of horse owners, our racing cousins are faster than ever! It is making me curious – I wonder how fast they are really going?
London's Glamourous Carriage Rides:
But racing isn't the only place where we find glamour, darling! Back in London, carriage driving is experiencing a real resurgence. I hear whispers of fancy horse-drawn carriages, pulling fashionable people with elegant clothes through the heart of the city. These steeds - predominantly from the refined thoroughbred and Arabian breeds – are seemingly sought after to pull fancy carriages. I’ve seen photos of the stylish "Victoria" carriages and the grand "Landau" coaches! Oh, it's certainly exciting for a country girl like me to think about – I hear they are pulled by teams of four and even six of my cousins. It’s no wonder my London stable-mates feel so proud. What a wonderful opportunity to truly shine amongst the glitter of London life.
Our Changing Roles in the World:
However, even in 1893, things are moving fast – in more ways than one! I’ve heard people talking about this newfangled invention, a horseless carriage. They’re saying that these "motors" may one day replace us, horses! This rumour is causing quite a stir in the stables! Everyone’s wondering if these new carriages will put us out of a job – especially the big, strong draught horses like myself. While it makes my hooves tap, and makes my heart flutter in a way I’ve not felt since my first foal, it doesn’t bother me too much, to be honest. You can’t stop change, my dear readers! The pace of life is certainly changing, and I'm proud to see my fellow equines taking on these new roles.
But don't get me wrong – horses are far from being replaced. We have skills that machines will never be able to emulate – like understanding human needs and emotions! We have intuition. We also offer strength and loyalty in a way no horseless carriage can match! And then there are those heartwarming things that are distinctly horse – like our playfulness. Can you imagine a motor learning the fun of playing chase around the meadow in the springtime, or the delightful kick-up of your heels?
I’m hoping this new era, for our world, is a positive thing. A sign of a changing society with an evolving role for the horse. It is my belief that, if horses can be trained and utilised properly – working in harmony with humans - we will still have a wonderful future!
Across the World, From Britain to America:
And now for the most incredible development that has me particularly excited, all the way across the great big pond, in America – the Cowboy – and I believe, it's happening at a breakneck speed. The West has become a legend in itself for its magnificent landscapes. They say that it's full of towering mountains, boundless grasslands, and wild, open plains. And of course, it is here, where some of my breed-relations have truly blossomed! From cattle ranches to “cowboy” riding trails – the West has become home to a new breed of horse-loving souls! They are brave souls who respect horses deeply.
It is said the cowboys rely heavily on the horse's power and resilience to conquer vast distances in those wild terrains, tending to the vast cattle herds – imagine! The cowboys have even trained some breeds specifically for this lifestyle – the Quarter Horse for speed and agility – I must admit, I admire their strength and athleticism – and they have taken on roles beyond their original purpose. What an interesting and fascinating world these cowboy folk have made – they have built a life around horses.
Keeping an Equine Eye on the Future:
While I, along with many of my kin are embracing our modern roles and continuing our hard work for the farmers and families of the world – I look to the future and feel optimistic about the ways we're contributing, and hope we’ll continue to. It's so amazing to know that all over the world, there are people with a love for horses that runs deep, as my own does for this lovely Scottish land! From grand racing courses, to the wild West – and all points in between – horses continue to hold a special place in the world! We have many things to be grateful for – the strong bonds that link humans to horses! I am truly blessed! Until next time, may your hooves be full of good cheer and your spirits lifted!
Love and neighs,
This post, my dear friends, is only a small snapshot of the equine adventures that 1893 brought! I've only had a little glimpse into what was happening around the world! So, if you have any information to share – or even anecdotes – please do add them in the comments below! I would be absolutely thrilled to learn about what's been going on!
To the humans out there: Please feel free to comment with your horse-related tales. Perhaps a memory of a special horse that was part of your life during 1893, or your favorite memories of the equine world in 1893! Let's continue the conversation! Neigh, neigh!