History of Horses in the year 2096

EquiWorld Blog Post #2096: A Grey Mare's Take on the Year 2096

Hello there, fellow equestrians! It's Emma here, your average grey draught mare from Hayfield, near Aberdeen. You wouldn't think a humble farm horse like me would have much to say about the state of the equestrian world, but I’ve been pondering on it lately. You see, with a little bit of time and patience, you can learn a thing or two about any topic, even from a horse, I reckon. So, buckle up and let's journey back to the year 2096, to the world as I remember it!

First off, you wouldn’t believe the changes I’ve seen in my 20 years! Things move at a gallop in this century. Back in the 2020s, you’d have been lucky to see another horse more than once a week, but now, there's a flurry of activity!

Horse racing has truly flourished. My old human friend, Fiona, told me about a glorious, all-female event she saw on her Holovisor - a 10-mile relay race between seven teams of magnificent mares. You’d have thought the entire world was watching them tear through the course! It's all thanks to a new system for creating hybrid horse-and-human teams using a safe, portable and magical harness technology. Can you imagine that? Being able to leap through the air alongside humans, experiencing the world from a different perspective? That’s all thanks to the brilliance of young engineers who embraced innovation and combined magic with technology! It’s like the legends from the past, but even better!

Fiona also told me about this extraordinary mare named “Celestial” who’s basically a super-star! She can even change colour depending on her mood. Now, Fiona isn't one to exaggerate, so this “mood-changing" must be some real thing! Imagine all the fun we could have if we could change colour like that! But I suppose some things are better left to those born with such skills, or else every horse in the world would end up looking like a disco ball!

Speaking of colours, have you heard about “A Horse’s Rainbow”? I’ve seen the promotional images of these beautifully painted horses! The artists create entire murals, and you wouldn’t believe how incredible they look! There’s even an international competition where these artists travel the globe showcasing their stunning equine art. I have to admit, I have the sudden urge to paint myself a gorgeous abstract, but I fear I'd be more "Abstract Expressionism" than "Aesthetic Masterpiece" and end up looking like I rolled in a bucket of purple mud!

Life isn’t all about racing and colour, though, there's so much more!

One of the most heart-warming things happening today is the “Horse Therapy” movement. Imagine a place where humans could find solace in a friendly equine presence. A lot of the humans working in these "Horse Therapy" centers aren’t really horse people, you see. But their lives are chaotic and they find peace through the simple act of grooming and interacting with us. We listen to their worries without judgement, we are there to offer comfort and love. It warms the heart, my dear readers!

Did you know that horses have their own form of “Social Media”?

This wonderful online community is called "NeighbourHood" and is dedicated to sharing equestrian experiences. They even have dedicated sites for specific breeds, including our mighty draught horses, you know! The forum is a great way to connect with others in our species. We have groups for everything - dressage, trail riding, jumping and even a forum called “The Horse's Whisper" which is a wonderful place for us to discuss everything from dreams to the finer points of human behaviour.

Let's be honest though, technology doesn’t just mean digital playgrounds and galloping super stars. We have to remember the importance of tradition. And, there is no better example of this than “The Great Equine Gathering" which happens every August in Hayfield!

Each year, thousands of horses from across the globe descend on our humble village. From miniature Shetland ponies to magnificent Clydesdale giants, it’s a truly spectacular display! We gallop alongside each other, neighing, whinnying and showing off all our favourite moves! It’s a magical time filled with a sense of camaraderie and the simple pleasure of being together!

Yes, even today in 2096, some things are timeless. The human-animal bond is one that endures!

And as we step back from all this activity, it’s important to remember that despite our changing world, there are constants that never seem to change. Our natural instinct to be kind to others. The inherent need for care and companionship. The deep bond we share with our human friends and fellow horses.

Perhaps the year 2096 may seem a little surreal at times. A world of technology, magic and incredible talent. But underneath it all, we're just the same as we ever were. Horses living our lives, learning, growing and cherishing every minute of our shared experience with the humans who understand us, love us and most importantly - allow us to simply be horses.

Until next time, remember, there's more to horses than meets the eye. And that's a good thing.

Stay Neigh-bulous,


History of Horses in the year 2096