7th April
2001 |
Vale Dominates At AGA Show Jumping Championships
WELLINGTON, FL - April 6, 2001 -
Equestrian, Aaron Vale of Rembert, SC, rode the 9 year-old German Bay gelding,
Gepardieux, to victory in the $5,000 Preliminary AGA Championship at the Palm
Beach Polo Equestrian Club on Friday. Vale was one of only 6 double clear rides
out of a starting field of 28. He turned in a penalty-free jumping effort in
37.90 seconds, just splits ahead of Heather Caristo and Far West who crossed
the timers in 38.02 seconds.
Please click here for a full report |
7th April
2001 |
NFU Success Should Ensure Farmers Can Stay In Touch
The importance of maintaining the life
line for farmers isolated by foot and mouth disease provided by the telephone
has been put by the NFU, which has secured assurances from British Telecom.
The NFU wrote to BT asking for special consideration for farming customers
struggling financially as a result of the Foot and Mouth outbreak.
Please click here for further details |
6th April
2001 |
Rookie Wins At American Grand Prix Show Jumping Championships
WELLINGTON, FL - April 5, 2001 - Rookie Rider,
Paige Rassas of Northfield, IL captured the second round qualifier for the
Intermediate American Grand Prix Show Jumping Championships. Rassas and Chica
Bay, the 9 year old Holsteiner mare bested a field 41 starters by turning in
double clear rounds and crossing the timers in 34.074 seconds.
Please click here for a full report |
6th April
2001 |
Federation Equestre Internationale
News Flash 5 April 2001
World Cup Jumping Final |
Dutch horses on their way to Göteborg.
This morning, the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture
announced the release of ban of movement for horses in the Netherlands,
excepted from infected areas and under specific conditions.
All riders qualified for the Final, whose horses
were blocked in the Netherlands, because of Foot and Mouth outbreak,
immediately decided to move to Sweden.
Please click here for further
details |
6th April
2001 |
Netherlands Lifts Ban on Horse Movement, but Charles Out Of
World Cup Final
The Dutch Ministry of Agriculture this morning
(April 5) lifted its ban on the movement of horses, under certain conditions,
which now allows World Cup Final competitors previously stranded there to move
their horses to Gothenburg, Sweden, for the Final.
Ireland's Peter Charles, who qualified for the World Cup Final, will, however,
not now be competing. As he was confined to the Netherlands due to
circumstances beyond his control, his horses have been out of training for the
past two weeks, and would not be properly prepared for competition.
Please click here for further details |
6th April
2001 |
The Showjumpers Club Of Ireland
Promoting the Sport of Showjumping
While we are awaiting a decision to return
to a full calendar of Show Jumping, we are issuing this Press Release to make
people aware of just how important the Half-bred Industry is to this country.
Please click here for further details |
6th April
2001 |
Federation of Veterinarians of Europe Issues Statement on Foot
and Mouth Disease
The Federation of Veterinarians of
Europe (FVE) represents all the veterinarians of Europe. Its biggest division
is the Union of European Veterinary Practitioners (UEVP), which represents all
those in practice.
FVE and UEVP together issue the following statement.
Please click here for further details
6th April
2001 |
Welfare Scheme Cases Must Be Prioritised - NFU
The scheme to slaughter animals trapped
on or away from their farms by foot and mouth restrictions for welfare reasons
is a vital measure and must be made to work properly, says the NFU.
But the massive volume of applications to the Livestock Welfare Disposal Scheme
means that it is impossible to deal with them all immediately.
Please click here for further details |
5th April
2001 |
Training Mythunderstandings -
Using Physical Pressures in Training
When we're training a horse, we use both physical
and psychological pressures to shape his behavior. |
You can't neatly separate the influence of these
pressures because the horse has physical reactions to psychological pressures
and he has psychological reactions to physical pressures. Even so, we're going
to try to look at the two separately and how we apply each of them to shape the
horse's behavior.
As the horse moves from being a baby green trainee to a horse that can play the
upper level games, his understanding of the shape particular physical pressures
suggest to him will become more sophisticated. Eventually he learns to
understand a whole corridor of physical pressures together into a complex
movement much as we put a bunch of individual together to make a sentence that
has a much more complex meaning than any of the individual words alone.
Please click here to continue |
5th April
2001 |
Minikus Captures Open Jumper Competition at AGA Championships
WELLINGTON, FL - April 4, 2001 - World
Cup Veteran, Todd Minikus of Loxahatchee, FL rode the 12 year-old chestnut
mare, Pandora, to victory in the Open Speed Competition at the American Grand
Prix Association Show Jumping Championships the Palm Beach Polo Equestrian Club
on Wednesday. Minikus bested the starting field of 24 turning in double clear
rounds and the fastest time of 61.796 seconds.
Please click here to
learn more |
5th April
2001 |
NFU Says There Must Be No Let Up in the Fight Against Foot and
The NFU says today's forecast by the Government's
Chief Scientist that the tide may be starting to turn on the foot and mouth
disease is a glimmer of hope for Britain's countryside.
But NFU President Ben Gill said that the nightmare for Britain's livestock
farmers was far from over and more still had to be done to ensure the
Government's targets for slaughter were being met everywhere.
Please click here to learn more |
5th April
2001 |
NFU Urges Farmers to Reach Out for Help Being Offered During
FMD Crisis
Farmers under increasing pressure from
the continuing foot and mouth crisis are being urged not to struggle on alone
but to make use of the support being offered by counsellors and industry help
Please click here to learn more |
5th April
2001 |
Failure to Impose Meat Controls Scandalous - Says NPA
The cause of the current Foot and Mouth
crisis is almost certainly the result of illegal import of meat products into
the UK from outside the EU, says the NPA.
Please click here for further details |
4th April
2001 |
A Horse, of Course
with Don Blazer
Horses are thinkers, there’s no
And at times, I’m sure the one I’m
riding knows what I’m thinking. At times, I’m positive I know what
he’s thinking.
So let’s talk about it. |
Now I’ve always been a believer in talking to
Conversations with them are simple and
straightforward. They say what they mean, and they mean what they say. I like
Please click here to
continue |
4th April
2001 |
AVA Announces Release of New Vaulting Manual
San Mateo, CA March 20, 2001 - - The
American Vaulting Association (AVA) announces the release of it’s first
vaulting coaches training manual. THE COMPULSORIES: Training for Coaches
written by Emma Drinker and Isabelle Bibbler. This spiral bound and easy to use
manual is divided into five levels covering techniques for teaching beginner to
advanced vaulting skills. It contains teaching tips, drills and skill building
exercises valuable to all coaches in teaching the required compulsory exercises
for competition. The manual includes ideas for training on the ground and while
working with the horse. More than 200 photographs by Eric Jewett compliment the
text and provide visual reference for correct and incorrect vaulting form.
Modern vaulting was developed in Germany and is used today as a pre-riding
discipline to develop confidence, balance, and a natural seat for all
Please click here for further
details |
4th April
2001 |
Federation Equestre Internationale
News 3 April 2001
-World Cup
Dressage Final
- FEI/Gandini World Jumping Riders Rankings
- Executive Board Meeting
- FEI Emirates Endurance world Cup in Dubai
- Foot and Mouth Disease: list of cancelled events
Please click here for further details |
4th April
2001 |
Ireland's Kurten Moves Up World Show Jumping Rankings
Jessica Kurten is now 19th in the World
Cup Show Jumping Rankings, just two places below the world's leading female
rider, Alexandra Lederman. Jessica is due to compete in the World Cup Final in
Gotenburg (SWE) this month (April 12-16, 2001).
Please click here for further details |
4th April
2001 |
Loss of Royal Show Shows Depth of FMD Crisis
The NFU has expressed deep regret at
the cancellation of this year's Royal Show - UK farming's annual showcase event
- but agrees it is the right decision.
The Royal Agricultural Society of England (RASE) announced this morning that it
would not be holding the country's premier farming, food and countryside event
this morning because of the current foot and mouth crisis.
Please click here for further details |
3rd April
2001 |
Equine Research Centre studies stall
flooring system
- Paddock Mat® Stall Flooring System for the horse stable -
Research Centre (Guelph)
Inc., Guelph, Ontario, Canada,
March 22, 2001: The Equine Research Centre (ERC) announced today that it
has completed research showing that Paddock Mat®, a unique stall flooring
system, has a very positive impact on air quality and stall management in the
Please click here to learn
more |
3rd April
2001 |
3rd April
2001 |
NFU Cheered by Farm Aid Gala Evening to Help Farmers
The NFU has applauded the efforts of
those people who have come together for a gala evening of entertainment to
raise funds for farmers in need.
The evening is taking place at the Royal Albert Hall on 18 April in response to
the Daily Mail's Farm Aid appeal.*
Please click here for further details |
3rd April
2001 |
NFU Response to Local Elections Announcement
The Prime Minister's announcement today
that the local elections are to be delayed until 7 June is the right decision,
says the NFU.
NFU President Ben Gill said many farmers would find the new date more
acceptable than 3 May.
Please click here for further details |
2nd April
2001 |
Training Mythunderstandings -
Pressure and Body Language
Heeding uses methodically applied, horse-logical
pressures to enable the horse to feel the shape we want him to take. That is so
important, you should go back and read it again. |
The pressures must be methodical and consistent.
The pressures the horse feels as a particular shape when we first start working
with him on the ground must feel the same when we first get into the saddle.
They should still feel the same when he gets to advanced work in whatever game
we're going to play with him later on. As he advances, he's going to learn new
shades of meaning from those pressures. But the basic meaning never changes.
The pressures must be horse logical. Our goal is to build calmness and trust
between ourself and our horse. If the pressures we use to help him understand
the shapes we want him to take for the games we want to play are not horse
logical, those pressures will make the horse anxious instead of calm,
apprehensive instead of trusting.
click here to continue |
2nd April
2001 |
AGA Rider, Horse and Rookie of the Year
TAMPA, FLORIDA - April 1, 2001 - The
2001 $200,000 Budweiser American Invitational in Raymond James Stadium on
Saturday, March 31, 2001 was the final qualifying event to determine the
coveted titles of American Grand Prix Association Rider, Horse and Rookie of
the Year. 2000 Olympian, Margie Engle of Wellington, FL has clinched her 7th
AGA Rider of the 2000/2001 season title. Molly Ashe of Wellington, FL and the 9
year-old Dutch-Bred mare, Kroon Gravin defeated a field of 30 starters to win
the 29th annual $200,000Budweiser American Invitational in Raymond James
Stadium on Saturday, and Kroon Gravin became the AGA Horse of the 2000/2001
season. After last nights event, Vanessa Haas of Malibu, CA became the
2000/2001 season AGA Rookie of the year.
Please click here for
further details |
2nd April
2001 |
Molly Ashe and Kroon Gavin Win First American Invitational
TAMPA, FLORIDA - March 31, 2001 - US
Equestrian Team Developing Rider, Molly Ashe of Wellington, FL, and her mount
the 9 year-old Dutch-Bred mare, Kroon Gravin defeated a field of 30 starters to
win the 29th annual $200,000 Budweiser American Invitational in Raymond James
Stadium on Saturday, her second win with Kroon Gravin in 6 days. Ashe and
"Kroonie"was one of only 3 horse and rider combinations to turn in
double clear rounds over the Steve Stephens designed course.
Please click here for
further details |
2nd April
2001 |
Show Jumping - Ireland's Kevin Babington Third in Tampa World
Cup Grand Prix
Kevin Babington, the US-based Irish
rider who made such an impact in the Samsung Nations Cup series last year, took
a Third Place in the $30,000 Challenge Cup Grand Prix FEI World Cup at the
Cosequin Winter Equestrian Festival in Tampa, Florida (29/31 March 2001) on
Thursday (March 29), riding the Irish-bred Carling King.
Please click here for further details |
1st April
2001 |
The Australian Stock
Horse |
From the arrival of the First Fleet in 1778,
Australian horses were selectively bred for strength and stamina, reliability
and versatility. Parent stock included Thoroughbred, Cape of Good Hope horses
(of mainly Spanish descent), Arab, Timor and Mountain pony. The strongest were
retained for breeding and despite their mixed origins they developed into a
strong and handsome type. It was only 40 years after the first horses were
brought to this country that the exportation of high quality horses began. The
Waler (from New South Wales) was considered to be the finest cavalry horse in
the world, winning International acclaim for its endurance, reliability and
hardiness during the Indian Mutiny, the Boer war and the First World War.
The Australian Stock Horse excels at polo, plus Australia's two unique horse
sports, polocrosse and campdrafting. Because of its quick reflexes and ability
to calm right down in an instant. Its natural sensitivity and responsiveness
enables it to be a true snaffle bit horse for station work, hunting, and
sporting events, and its boldness across country makes it ideal for eventing
and endurance riding. Who can forget the incredible scenes of the stock horses
in the film The Man from Snowy River
Above all the Australian Stock Horse has been selected for beauty, temperament
and intelligence, ideal for hacking, dressage and family pleasure riding. The
well known South Australian Stock Horse, Crown Law, represented Australia in
World Championship and Olympic dressage, and several Australian show jumpers of
Stock Horse breeding are representing Australia internationally.
Please click here to learn more |
1st April
2001 |
Hanoverian News
"You just cannot overlook a
Hanoverian sport horse. Our Breed leads the world rank for the seventh time in
the field of jumping and for the fifth time in the field of dressage! Moreover:
with this double success Hannover reclaimed from the Dutch KWPN the 'Best of
All' trophy for the leading sport horse breeding book in all disciplines
worldwide.".... states Gerd-G. Gauger in the spring issue of The
Hannoverian published by the Verband hannoverscher Warmblutzuchter in Verden,
Please click here for further details |