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15th Dec 2001 |
Passes Out
Penny, the Irish Draught mare rescued from a life of neglect,
passed with flying colours the first stage of her career with
the King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery.
the 2 months that Penny has been in the army she has been
broken to saddle, ridden out in the thickest of London traffic
as well as being introduced to small jumps.
At her passing out last week she was one of eight new remounts
that showed off their paces at the barracks in St. Johns Wood,
Please click here or further details
15th Dec 2001 |
into stardom
RR Star becomes
first Paint to win NRHA Open Futurity |
WORTH, Texas-If a perfect ending had to be written about an
American Paint Horse at the 2001 National Reining Horse Association
(NRHA) Futurity, held Nov. 23-Dec. 1 in Oklahoma City, Okla.,
nothing could have topped what actually happened on the last
day of the event
ultimate victor of the NRHA Open Futurity, RR Star, a 3-year-old
sorrel overo stallion owned by Rose and Richard Lundin of
Del Norte, Colo., proved beyond a doubt that he is more than
just a great reining horse. With his victory, he became the
first American Paint Horse to win the futurity and he won
it in a nail-biting finish. Also, his rider, Andrea Fappani,
is one of the youngest riders to win the NRHA Open Futurity
and is the first international rider to do so.
Please click here or further details
15th Dec 2001 |
Prepares Irish Draught For Winter Show
you Betty Meyer!
of the support of the breeders of more than a hundred offspring
by O'Leary's Irish Diamond, this great Irish Draught Stallion
is successful in both the breeding barn and in the show arena.
As anyone who competes in the show jumping arena knows, the
cost of showing is very expensive.
Our special thanks
go to Betty Meyer of Salinas California. When it was decided Irish
possessed exceptional jumping ability, it was Betty who offered to
sponsor Irish at either the Indio or Tucson winter show circuits.
Irish will compete in jumping for four weeks before returning home
for another very busy breeding season. Betty bred her favorite Thoroughbred
mare to Irish two years ago and is confident she has a world class
talent in her barn.
Please click here or further details
14th Dec 2001 |
and His Girls Afternoon Adventure
It was a beautiful crisp fall afternoon
as Alex and I crested the long hill on Rt. 105 and started
driving down through beautiful ranching country when we noticed
congestion a good mile to the north. From a distance it looked
like an accident. At least two dozen cars were backed up in
three directions from where Tomah Rd. intersected route 105.
The scenario unfolded as we approached. Several cars were
actually off the road. Horns were honking and people were
out of their cars running around waving their hands in the
A man on a four-wheeler
was racing frantically back and forth. Suddenly horses appeared from
between the cars. They dashed over to the fence-line on the west and
began moving along it in our direction. They were still several hundred
yards away, but headed toward us at a steady pace. "This doesn’t
look so good Frank. Why don’t you see if you can help,"
Alex suggested. I pulled in behind the last car in line and we watched
the show for a few moments. I tacit agreement, I jumped out of the
car, grabbed my 12’halter/lead, and moved toward the confusion
ready to lend a hand. Alex replaced me in the driver’s seat.
It looked like about ten horses. It was a colorful lot with a several
paints, a roan, a
palomino, buckskins, bays and sorrels. Then there was the massive
jet-black Percheron who towered above the other horses. This statuesque
creature was every bit of 18 hands. He was dripping with sweat and
breathing hard as steam poured through his nostrils into the cold
fall air. As he moved, so did the others.
We were in the middle of prime ranching country only a few miles from
the eastern most edge of the Rocky Mountains. Cattle, bison, lamas,
and horses populated the ranches. It was normally a low traffic area
especially mid-week. But today there were a lot of cars and people
waiting for this drama to end. As I passed the cars it was evident
that the occupants had neither intention nor inclination to get involved.
I couldn’t blame them. They wouldn’t know what to do and
would probably end up in the way or possibly get hurt. This was a
dangerous situation for everyone, let alone the inexperienced.
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14th Dec 2001 |
from the International Livestock Congress
Foundation Awards
Student Travel Fellowships
students from around the world to take part in International Livestock
Deadline Draws Near
1 marks last day to register for International Livestock Congress
Livestock Congress Launches Bilingual Web Site
information now available on line in Spanish
Harper Named to ISEF Board
Grocery Company executive joins international agriculture group
Please click here or further details
13th Dec 2001 |
International Show Jumping Championships
Olympia Stars Next Week
a fantastic line up of world-class show jumpers, some exciting
new competitions and a diversity of crowd-thrilling displays,
the 30th Olympia International Show Jumping Championships
is set to be another mammoth show
entries have been received from 38 riders representing13 countries,
with an impressive list including seven of the world's leading ten
riders. They are set to compete for the largest prize money ever offered
at Olympia - a total figure in excess of £232,000.
During the
Wednesday afternoon performance His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh
will become the first ever recipient of the Federation Equestre Internationale
(FEI) award for his dedicated and distinguished services to equestrian
Human horses
Matthieu Nassif and friends will make a whirlwind visit to England
when on the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the show they will demonstrate
their amazing jumping skills by leaping over the show jumping courses
on their own two legs! Matthieu's current jumping record is an incredible
Sunday afternoon
will see the introduction of Double Your Money, a brand new competition
devised by Equestrian Director Simon Brooks-Ward. The highest placed
rider who achieves the maximum money in the quickest time over a numerical
eight- fence course with two Jokers will have that money doubled.
A host of
stunning daily displays include the wild-riding Cossacks, the awe-inspiring
grace and beauty of the Westphalian Stallions and family favourites
the Osborne Refrigerators Shetland Pony Grand National, Pedigree Dog
Agility and the traditional Finale, which provides a spectacularly
festive end to every performance.
Please click here or further details
13th Dec 2001 |
Hill Horse Park Development Planning Complete
and schematic design services have been completed for the
development of The Horse Park at Chaplin Hill. The horse park
will be developed on a 120-acre tract adjacent to the Chaplin
Hill Parks complex in Morgantown, West Virginia. The first
phase of construction on the $11 million facility is expected
to begin during the summer of 2002.
The Horse Park
at Chaplin Hill is being developed to serve as a venue for the region's
premier equestrian events, which require extensive indoor and outdoor
facilities. The Horse Park will capitalize on the high level of interest
in equine activities in the northern West Virginia, as well as the
interest in moving several major regional equestrian events to Morgantown.
Groups from Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Ohio have expressed sincere
interest in the development of the facility and plan to incorporate
it into their annual event programs.
Please click here or further details
13th Dec 2001 |
Equestrian and Stadium Jumping Present The Coach To The Superstars |
Jim Fannin, coach
to superstars, will present two, half-day seminars on peak performance
and "zone attainment" at the Palm Beach Polo Equestrian
Club, Saturday, January 19, 2002 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and again
from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. The first session will be by invitation only
for current riders at the international level, Young Riders, those
on the Developing Rider
list, and foreign nationals competing in the United States. The second
session is open to others interested in Sports Psychology. Licensed
officials, trainers, instructors, amateurs and owner/riders are particularly
encouraged to take advantage of this unique training program.
Please click here or further details
13th Dec 2001 |
Irish International
Equestrian Events 2002
Eventing, Show Jumping and Endurance competitions scheduled for
Please click here or further details
13th Dec 2001 |
Awards 2002::
YOU be the judge. It's your time to vote for the 2nd Annual
Saddletude Equestrians of The Year Awards.
Who's it gonna be?
click here or further details |
13th Dec 2001 |
Turkey Hotline Brings
Christmas Cheer
NFU's turkey hotline, launched just three weeks ago, has already
"gobbled up" over 450 calls from shoppers, generating
£18,000 worth of sales for farmers.
The hotline
has been inundated with calls from shoppers preparing for their
Christmas feast with around 500 birds sold so far.
click here or further details
12th Dec 2001 |
American Quarter
Horse Association - UK
UK is the breed society devoted to providing its members
with the highest quality programs, shows and services in
the equine industry, with 4m members worldwide.
fiollow the link below to listen to a discussion of this
versatile breed between John Crawford of equiworld.net and Anna
and Pat of AQHA
to listen to this file you will need Real Player. A free
download is available at www.real.com
Please click here or further
12th Dec 2001 |
Distributor Appointed For Horse Focused Television Series
SportsQuest International
is pleased to announce the appointment of Prima Television International
as its exclusive agent in the marketing of media rights to "With
Equestrian Tact: The International Video Magazine of the Equestrian
Sports". The appointment is on a worldwide basis excluding the
United States of America. Prima will seek placement of the series
broadcasters on all continents.
Based in
London, Prima Television International was formed in 1998 by Directors
Helen James and Lorraine Rudman. Prima works closely with broadcasters,
sponsorship companies and advertising agencies.
Please click here for further details
12th Dec 2001 |
11th Dec 2001 |
Equestre Internationale News
10 December 2001
Beerbaum Is The Undisputed World Number One
The first ever Top Ten Final in Jumping was held last Saturday
8 December in the frame of CSI-W Geneva (SUI). |
The participation field was to include
the first ten riders in the FEI/Gandini World Jumping Riders Rankings.
The Swiss Willi Melliger (4th of the rankings), who was suffering
back problems withdrew and was replaced by number 13 of the rankings,
the Olympic Champion Jeroen Dubbeldam (NED).
Young Swedish Star Beats The Best To Win World Cup in Geneva
The talented young Swedish rider Malin Baryard beat an impressive
field including current and former World Cup Champions Markus Fuchs
(SUI) and Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA) and World Rankings leader Ludger Beerbaum
(GER) to win her first World Cup Qualifier in round six of the series
from Geneva.
click here for further details
11th Dec 2001 |
Asia Pacific 2001
magic returned to Melbourne, attracting over 75,000 people
to the 8 day equine spectacular.
From across the
country and around the world, over 75,000 people visited the second
EQUITANA Asia Pacific, the largest non-racing equine event in the
Southern Hemisphere. This represents an 8% increase in attendances
from the first EQUITANA Asia Pacific in 1999.
Event Director,
Daryl Herbert said, "We are absolutely thrilled with the feedback
from exhibitors, competitors, educators and visitors. All agree that
EQUITANA Asia Pacific 2001 exceeded their expectations in all areas.
We feel confident that the EQUITANA brand has established itself as
the key event on the equine calendar in Australia."
Please click here for further details
11th Dec 2001 |
The Blood-Horse Signs
Exclusive Agreement With Timeform To Provide Timeform Ratings In
Auction Edge
KY -December 10, 2001-The Blood-Horse, Inc., publisher of Auction
Edge, the Thoroughbred industry's premier auction catalogue supplement,
announces it has signed an exclusive U.S. agreement with Timeform
of England to offer Timeform Ratings in future Auction Edge books.
Timeform Ratings, expressed in pounds, are an objective basic measure
of a horse's merit.
click here for further details
10th Dec 2001 |
with Lameness
Equine Management, Auction, and Appraisal Services, Inc
When a
healthy horse comes up lame, it is disturbing for every one,
the owner, veterinarian, farrier and trainers, instructors
and other riders. Whether it is a top-level show horse, local
competitor or weekend trail companion a sore horse is heartbreaking,
especially since many animals will continue with the same
high effort, even though they are in pain.
Lameness may mean
an end to a career, and extended lay-up or time-consuming health care
from the owner; all are situations every horse owner wants to avoid.
A savvy owner, though, knows the facts off her horse's case, and armed
with that knowledge can make caring and smart choices about the future.
click here to continue
10th Dec 2001 |
years of Studbook Zangersheide
Next year our Studbook will celebrate its first jubilee year.
Together with the breeders, we want to make our 10 year anniversary
something special. Since Jumping Indoor Maastricht 1992, when
I received the prize awarded to the breeder of the world’s
best showjumping horse - which was, of course, our Ratina
Z - so much has happened, so many people stuck out their neck
and so many breeding issues have been changed for the better,
that we have good reason to be proud of this.
Studbook Zangersheide
has set many things in motion. In ten years time we have grown into
a flourishing organisation in charge of an officially recognized studbook,
a renowned assortment of breeding stock, a large number of top-class
sires, a magazine in four languages and amongst other things an annual
official World Breeding Jumping Championships for Young Horses held
at our domain.
Zangersheide is a studbook with by now more than 5,000 registered
mares and an autonomous growth of 25 percent per year. We can not
only look back with satisfaction at our Zangersheide-bred horses which
have claimed high places in world rankings, but also confidently look
forward to the increasing number of Z-products which we encounter
frequently in the international jumping arenas.
Please click here for further details
9th Dec 2001 |
Champion Stallion Toc Hill Sir Alfred owned by J. R. Richardson,
S. Yorkshire, UK |
The Shire Horse
John Crawford of equiworld.net
met with John Ward of the Shire Horse Society at the British
Equine Event 2001. Please follow the link below to listen
to their discussion of the breed including the potential of
the Shire under saddle.
to listen to this file you will need Real Player. A free download
is available at www.real.com
The Shire Horse is the most numerous
and largest of the heavy horses found in Great Britain, many of the
leading prizewinners standing up to and over 18.00 hands. The characteristic
of the Shire is the nice silky feather on the legs. The history of
the breed goes back to the medieval "Great Horse" used in
time of war to carry knights in armour weighing up to 400lbs. In the
1800's the horse was to become the main power in agriculture and commerce
particularly the docks and railways. For this they required massive
horses with great muscular strength. In 1878 a selection of the best
types of heavy horse was made from the old English carthorse and the
Shire Horse Society was formed.
click here for further details
9th Dec 2001 |
Show Jumping Results:
CSI-W Geneva 6 - 9 December 2001
1) Malin
Baryard (SWE) H & M Butterfly Flip; 2) Rodrigo Pessoa (BRA)
Baloubet du Rouet;
3) Roberto Arioldi (ITA) Loro Piana Dime de la Cour
click here for further details