How does a Horse Learn?
Todays horse is required to learn a wide variety
of different tasks, most of which go against almost every instinct that
evolution has drilled into him. After all, how often is it that we see feral
horses jumping over obstacles in preference to going around them, or chasing a
ball around a field. To perform tasks such as these, the modern horse must
learn to suppress many of its natural instincts as well as learn to
discriminate and respond to a wide variety of new stimuli. Every aspect of an
individuals behaviour reveals something about what he has learned during his
life and how he has learned it.
Horses have an incredible capacity to learn, to learn quickly and to learn
well. Coupled with a natural willingness to please, this has made them
extremely useful to us. But to be effective the whole process pivots around the
ability of the trainer to understand the horse and how he learns, and to set up
and maintain clear lines of communication.
Learning can be classified into 5 basic categories: habituation, associative,
latent, imprinting and insight.
HABITUATION - occurs when the
animal gradually ceases to respond to repeated stimulation, for example getting
used to traffic. A gradual introduction to cars and the experience of many cars
passing without causing any harm, habituates him to traffic. Natural responses
become diluted with habituation - which is just as well because without it
horses would be far less trainable. This form of learning can only be temporary
though and the original, more primitive behaviour patterns can resurface if the
horse is put under stress. For example, one car may alarm the horse by driving
to fast and close, this will cause a reversal back to the primitive natural
response of fear and flight. Hence, this type of learning only becomes fully
fixed when it has been habituated in as many different testing situations as
possible. Horses habituate more rapidly to a new stimulus when it is first
rehabituated to an already familiar situation. So a suitable set of sessions
for a young horse will run through several known stages before a new one is
introduced at the end of a session.
two kinds of associative learning, CLASSICAL AND OPERANT
CLASSICAL : was first documented by Pavlov in the early 1900's with his dogs.
If a bell was sounded immediately prior to the production of food, the dogs
would start salivating in anticipation of the food by the sound of the bell
alone. An equine training example of this could be if the rider clicks his
tongue just as he feels a young horse about to strike off in canter, and
repeats this every time the horse goes into canter, the horse will soon begin
to associate the click with the canter transition and produce the canter
transition on the click signal. These associations will become stronger the
more they are reinforced - whether good or bad.
OPERANT : learning was first demonstrated by Thorndike in 1911 and is the basic
trial and error type where the animal learns to associate a reward not with a
particular stimulus (as in classical) but with its own behaviour, discovered by
chance. From the training point of view this type of learning involves
presenting the horse with a choice ; if it makes the right choice it will be
rewarded, and the wrong choice punished - either directly or by lack of reward.
An example of this is the rein back, at first the horse finds the movement
difficult, and so a reward, for example a pat or cessation of the aid after one
step backwards is sufficient to encourage him to repeat that action when asked.
Next time the rider can ask for several steps and progressively the lesson is
built up until the horse is rewarded only when the whole movement has been
completed without any errors.
ability of the memory to store an experience unconsciously, without having an
immediate need to do so. Horses are very good at this and a good example is
their capacity for recalling places, routes and locations.
IMPRINTING : is a permanent,
non-intentional type of learning that is not dependant on the repetition or
association. During imprinting, an early perceptual experience is indelibly
marked into the horses brain, though the stimulus itself may not be consciously
remembered. Some trainers have latched on to this idea and start working with
foals even as early 1 hour after birth. The aim is to desensitise the foal to
potentially alarming sensations, sights and sounds and to set up a bond of
trust in this time when the foals are at their most receptive.
don't seem to be prone to "flashes of inspiration" - which is
probably a good thing. It can be defined as the immediate understanding of, and
response to, a new situation without the need for operant learning. In training
we must encourage the horse to think for itself by putting it in the right
frame of mind - calm and unpressurised - and in a situation with a problem he
has the motivation to solve.
Generally, equine learning research seems to favour the assumption that horses
learn through the STIMULUS - RESPONSE - REINFORCEMENT theory. This states that
the horse perceives a cue, such as the riders legs or seat, and then makes a
random response to it. If the response is correct it will receive a positive
reinforcement from the rider and if incorrect, the rider can either both ignore
the response and repeat the stimulus or apply a negative reinforcement until
the horse makes the correct response.
STIMULUS In order for a stimulus to elicit a response, the horse must be able
to determine what constitutes a stimulus. Generally horses are very good at
this, examples being that of Clever Hans - a horse that seemed to posses the
ability to answer mathematical and spelling questions by the number of times he
pawed the ground. However, a scientific investigation revealed that Clever Hans
could only correctly answer the question if the questioner himself knew the
answer. The questioner was unintentionally cueing the horse to make the correct
answer by very subtle tensing and relaxing of his facial and body muscles.
Dixon (1970) also demonstrated the depth of equine discrimination with her
study where a pony was taught to pick one of each pair of these 20 visual
patterns to obtain a food reward. Because horses become so adept at
discriminating stimuli - trainers must be very specific with their presentation
of cues. If a specific cue is not similar in presentation method and timing
each time it is used, the horse will respond by generalising.
This is a familiar scenario with the riding school pony who can become so
habituated to the accidental stimuli from beginner riders that they become dull
and unresponsive. It must also be noted that in order for a horse to respond
quickly to a stimulus, the stimulus must be applied at a time when the horse is
able to respond - ie, there is no point in asking the horse to rein back when
he is trotting on a loose rein.
There are two main types of stimulus, the first being natural or
"primary", this could be in the form of food, pain, return to
herdmates and the second learned or "secondary" like a pat on the
neck or the riders voice. Successful trainers begin horse training utilising
simple, natural stimuli. After the horse has mastered these, it can be taught
more subtle, or learned stimuli by pairing the new stimulus with the old,
already learned stimulus. It is believed that the horse learns best through
either delayed or trace conditioning
The idea behind this is that the old cue is being used to show the horse the
meaning of the new cue to reinforce the new cue. Two other types of
conditioning procedure are also available; these are simultaneous presentation
- where both stimuli are presented at the same time, and a backward stimulus,
in which the old stimulus is presented and then the new one; have been shown to
be ineffective.
So, how do horses respond to these stimuli ? All of the major maneuvers that a
horse perform start out as many small responses. We tend to teach the horse to
perform each small response to a major manoeuver, then connect them all
together for the final, polished manoeuver. Using the example of the rein back,
the trainer first teaches the horse to relax its jaw and shift its weight
backward in response to pressure from his legs and the bit. Then the trainer
requires the horse to make this response, plus take one step backwards. This is
then progressively added to with a greater number of steps and rhythm to until
the horse can do the entire movement. When the horse is initially learning the
meaning of a new stimulus, its responses to that stimulus will be random
actions. For example, the horses initial response to a cue to move backwards
may be the incorrect response of throwing his head up in the air or stepping
sideways; or the correct response, relaxing his jaw and shifting his weight
During this initial learning phase, we should aim to ignore the incorrect and
encourage the correct, random response. This encouragement that connects a
correct random response to a specific stimulus is reinforcement. Reinforcements
can be in the form of either positive, or negative.
Both positive and negative reinforcement strengthen the connection between a
specific stimulus and the desired response, so that when the specific stimulus
is re-presented, there is a greater chance of the horse making the correct
response. Like stimuli, reinforcements can be either natural or learned.
Trainers teach horses secondary reinforcements by pairing them with primary
reinforcers in the same way that a new stimulus is paired with an old. That is
they present the new, secondary reinforcement (the voice "good
horse") then follow it with an old primary reinforcement - such as a
handful of grass. After a number of such pairings , the horse will associate
the voice praise with the rewarding properties of a mouthful of tasty grass.
AVERSIVE STIMULUS When the trainer applies an aversive stimulus it can take one
of two forms punishment or negative reinforcement. Punishment is applied after
the horse makes an incorrect response and aims to suppress or eliminate a
response, For example if a horse bites or kicks at the trainer, the trainer
would apply the use of punishment to eliminate that response. Negative
reinforcement is applied to the horse before the horse makes the correct
response and terminates when the horse makes the desired response. Its aim is
to increase the probability that the response will occur again. eg. Rapping. We
must guard against the use of unintentional punishment, like falling back hard
in the saddle, or jabbing the horse in the mouth, because the desired behaviour
will be suppressed.
reinforcements or punishment immediately following the horses response to a
stimulus. This time connection between response and outcome enables the horse
to know when it has performed correctly and incorrectly, and it gives the horse
a sense of order and expectancy about its responses. We must also make sure
that the correct response is available to the horse, both physically and
mentally before we use aversive stimuli. For example, it would not be fair to
punish the horse for not reining back because you had him positioned against a
fence. If continuous reinforcement and the correct responses are not provided
for the horse, the horses behaviour may become unpredictable and neurotic.
Negative reinforcement may become so intense that the horse may become panicked
and the trainer has to stop its application before the desired response is
obtained, in this case the horse may learn that unmanageable behaviour stops
negative reinforcement. A example of this could be applying pressure to the
horse to rein back, and the horse responding by rearing. Trainers also make use
of the principles of extinction ( that is, non-reinforced behaviour will
decrease in frequency).
When a horse is initially learning a new response, it tends to make many
incorrect, and often annoying, responses. If these incorrect responses are
ignored and only the correct response reinforced, the incorrect responses will
eventually decrease in frequency until they are rarely exhibited. At the same
time, the correct responses increase in frequency to replace the incorrect
For those of you that ride the classic example involves those lovely flowers
that are always placed around the dressage arena deliberately to spook the
horse. If you ignore the behaviour, the horses reaction to them will decrease
in frequency, if you get uptight and perhaps even punish the horse - then
you've had it!
It has also be stated that a horse will work harder to obtain reinforcements
when the reinforcement is not on a predictable or continuous schedule. Most
trainers shift to a variable reinforcement schedule after the horse has
initially learned the response. This seems to keep the response rates higher
and gives the appearance of the horses responding quickly and willingly in the
absence of any overt reinforcements.
LENGTH OF TRAINING SESSIONS Most learning researchers agree that concentrating
trials in long training sessions leads to inefficient learning. Ruben et al
(1980) trained ponies for either 7 days per week, 2 days per week or 1 day per
week in a shock avoidance response. The ponies trained one day per week
achieved a higher level of performance in fewer training sessions than the
other treatments. These results indicate that concentrating trials in long
learning sessions is an inefficient method of training, and that fewer training
sessions over a longer period of time is the most efficient.
So going back to the reinback, a short session one day per week should achieve
better results faster than drilling the horse in the movement for long periods
of time every day. Once the horse has performed the movement correctly and a
positive reinforcement can be applied, that training session should stop. A
common misconception is that you shouldn't 'start' horses until they are three
years old. But it has been shown that horses 'learn to learn and it is through
this phenomenon that we should encourage the introduction of the young horse to
as many new stimuli and situations as possible.
Finally, it has been demonstrated that equine memory is very good, in one study
it was likened to the hard disc drive of a computer. Dixon (1970) reported that
her pony had an 81% memory retention rate one month after learning 20 pairs of
visual patterns, and 6 months later still showed an amazing 77.5% correct
responses. Another point that arose through this study is that the pony seemed
to "learn to learn", it learned a general solution to a problem that
made subsequent problems easier to solve. You might not be able to ride him,
but the more you can introduce him to new stimuli to keep his mind alert and
interested the better. He does not necessarily need to be learning anything
that will be of use to him at a later date: the fact he is learning anything is
all that is important. The learning to learn phenomenon also indicates that
training should follow logical and progressive steps.
TO SUM UP We are very fortunate in that the horse is so amenable to our strange
ideas of what his role is. We can over-ride many of the natural instincts by
teaching new , learned associations, something which they have proven to be
very adept at. There are various processes by which the horse learns,
including; habituation, association, latent, imprinting and insight; all of
which can, and should, be applied to the way in which horses are trained. As
has been discussed, an effective way of training horses is by the STIMULATION -
RESPONSE - REINFORCEMENT theory. Stimuli should be in the form of simple cues
that the horse can easily discriminate and respond to. If the response is
correct, the reinforcement should be positive, and if incorrect, the stimulus
is either ignored and repeated or negatively reinforced. Complex movements are
made up of many small responses, that can be progressively built upon over
time. Sessions should be kept short and start off with work that the horse is
already habituated to, so that he learns the new stimuli in a relaxed and
hopefully motivated frame of mind.
We looked at the five types of learning; habituation, associative, latent,
imprinting and insight, all of which - except for the insight - the horse is
very good at. The stimulus - response - reinforcement theory explains to us how
the horse perceives a cue and then makes a random response to it. And we as
trainers must immediately indicate to the horse whether his response was
correct - in which case we should apply a positive reinforcement - or incorrect
- at which time we either reapply the stimulus or give a negative
reinforcement. We have seen that aversive stimuli comes in two forms,
punishment and negative reinforcement and that neither should be used
carelessly or continuously. Training sessions should be kept short and
intermittent so that the horse has time to digest what he has learnt. So as
soon as the horse has responded correctly to a question, the session should end
so that he leaves the session in a good frame of mind, having learnt something
he will be only too happy to repeat next time he is asked.
A common misconception is that you shouldn't 'start' horses until they are
three years old. But it has been shown that horses 'learn to learn and it is
through this phenomenon that we should encourage the introduction of the young
horse to as many new stimuli and situations as possible.
 |
Baer, K.L., Potter, G.D., Friend, T.H. and Beaver, B.V. (1983) Observational
effects on learning in horses. Applied Animal Ethology 11, 123-129
Dixon, J. (1970) The horse: a dumb animal?...neigh!! Thoroughbred Record 192
(19): 1654
Fiske, J.C. and Potter, G.D. (1979) Discrimination reversal learning in
yearling horses. Journal of Animal Science 49 (2), 583-588
Heird, J.C., Lennon, A.M. and Bell, R.W (1981) Effects of early experience on
the learning ability of yearling horses. J. Amin. Sci. 53:1204
Heird, J.C., Whitaker, D.D., Bell, R.W. and Ramsey, C.B.(1986) The effects of
handling at different ages on the subsequent learning ability of 2 year old
horses. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 15:15
Houpt, K.A., Parsons, M.S. and Hintz, H.F.(1982) Learning ability of orphaned
foals, normal foals and of thier mothers. J. Anim. Sci. 55:1027
McCall, C.A. (1990) A review of learning behaviour in horses and its
application in horse training. J. Anim. Sci. 68:75-81
Mal, M.E. and McCall, C.A (1996) The influence of handling during different
ages on a halter training test in foals. |