Conditioning and Stretching for the Rider
by Scot Hansen
As we enter into the
summer season, the desire to ride outside increases as the days get longer
and the sun shines warmer. No matter where you are, summer will probably
give you the “itch” to increase your riding. Along with this
increase in riding will be an increase in the demands placed on the muscles
used by you and your horse.
Several things take
place during this time of increased activity. The most common is that
we tend to ride more often and to take longer rides. This extra demand
on you and your horse can add up to sore muscles for both of you. How
do we deal with this? There is nothing that quite works the “riding
muscles” like riding itself; however, there are a few things that
we can do for ourselves that will help prepare us so that we can minimize
injury and discomfort. And the most important of these is stretching.
Yes, stretching can
do a lot to loosen up the winter tightness and to ensure that the muscles
are able to accept the increase in work as a friendly companion instead
of feeling like it’s an all out assault. While we don’t use
lots of “muscle strength” when riding, we do use quite a bit
of muscle tone. One way to increase that tone is to stretch, bend, and
reach. The usual stretches for most sports will be a good start, but then
there are a few that we can add that are more specific to our sport.
After doing some of
the more familiar stretches such as a toe reach, side to side bend, cherry
picker, hurdler stretch, etc. we can add some of additional stretches
from our riding position.
Get yourself a sturdy
saddle stand and place your saddle on it. Elevate the stand with something
solid so that you can sit in your saddle with your legs in a normal riding
position (we don’t want your feet dragging on the ground). Climb
onto the saddle and be careful not to roll it as we are not going to be
affixing it to the saddle stand. Remember to be careful during your stretching
exercises. We assume no liability for you falling off your stationary
horse. But if you do, forward the photos so we can enjoy the moment along
with you!
Take a seat and relax.
Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Assume a nice, relaxed, natural
riding posture (not stiff and forced) and breathe again.
Raise your arms to
shoulder height and slowly rotate your upper body to the right and then
to the left, going as far as you can without twisting or raising your
seat out of the saddle. Do each side ten times, and remember to breathe.
When you are rotating your body you must also watch that your shoulders
do not dip down to one side, your arms and hands should stay on an even
plane of rotation. While doing this exercise, feel what it does to your
seat bones in the saddle.
Next, reach forward
as far as you can with your right hand towards what would be the horses
left shoulder and act as if you are going to pet him on the neck and then
stroke down towards his left shoulder. While doing this, don’t let
your seat rise off of the saddle. But let your core muscles and your back
stretch, and keep your legs in a good riding position. If you simply lean
way forward you will lighten your seat and probably cause your saddle
to tip off the stand. Oops. The reason this happens is that you didn’t
really stretch but merely leaned your entire body forward. You may be
able to reach a long way or perhaps only a short distance. It doesn’t
matter as long as you start feeling some of those riding muscles getting
stretched out. Each time you go forward and stroke the invisible ho! rse,
hold that for a count of ten before you rise back to the starting position.
Now work on the other side.
Next, reach back and
pet your horse’s invisible rump. Again, the object is to have you
stretch core muscles that are used in riding and not simply lean way back.
Try to reach to the opposite side of the rump from the hand you are using
(i.e., use your right hand to touch the rump on the left side). Don’t
forget that you should be reaching behind you and to the opposite side.
You will need to twist your torso a little, but don’t merely turn
this into a twisting exercise. We could do that on the floor. Instead,
this exercise is designed to help remind us to keep our seat in place
and still get some stretching done. All the while feeling what is happening
to our seat bones and legs as the change in position causes us to shift
our weight. Remember that your horse can feel these weight shifts, as
well, when you’re r! iding.
Pet the horse’s
rump as before but let your body twist around to the front first and then
back to the rump. There will be more of a twisting motion to this exercise,
but remember to try to keep your seat relatively solid. You will find
that this stretches your side muscles from your waist towards your armpit.
Again hold each stretch for a count of ten, and do ten on each side.
Time to work on the
legs. Remove your foot from the stirrup and try to lift your leg from
the hip directly out to the side of your horse, now rotate it backwards
in a slight arc and bring it back along the side of your horse. Go back
as far as is comfortable and do the motion through the hip and not just
the knee. Repeat on the other side. I find this exercise is a great one
for lengthening your leg.
During all of these
stretches, it’s important to keep a solid riding seat. Yes, you will
move around a bit, but you shouldn’t feel like you’re going
to knock the saddle off the stand as you do these. The fact that the saddle
is not attached to a real horse causes you to be more accurate in what
you’re doing and to stretch some of the riding muscles and not just
bend and reach in any manner.
These same exercises
can be performed from your horse and lots of students are taught them
or variations of them. But getting loosened up on a saddle stand first
makes it easier to do the exercises safely on a moving horse later. Mostly
it allows you to stretch as much as you want without having to over use
the horse or even going to the barn. You can do this inside while watching
TV, staying out of the rain and can do it everyday or several times a
day. In the meantime, you can still ride your horse on the normal days
that you ride him, but you will find that, as you loosen up and flow better,
your horse will, too.
You will also find
that stretching and returning to the normal position causes your body
to strengthen the core muscles as well as stretch them. You will ride
better, and it will help keep you and your horse more balanced, which
will prevent both of you from becoming sore and stiff as your riding activities
pick up.
Copyright Scot Hansen