A The Abaco Wild Horse The Akhal-Teke The American Cream Draft The American Paint Horse Andalusian Anglo and Part-Bred Arab Appaloosa The Arab Horse The Ardennes Australian Stock Horse The Azteca B The Bashkir The Bashkir Curly Bavarian Warmblood The Blazer Horse Boulonnais Brandenburg Brindle Horses British Spotted Horse & Pony The Budenny C The Canadian Pony of the Americas Camargue Horse Caspian Horse Caspian Arabian The Chincoteague Pony Cleveland Bay Cleveland Bay #2 Clydesdale Horse Colorado Ranger Horse Coloured Horse and Pony Society (UK), Connemara Pony Criollo Curly Haired Missouri Fox Trotters D Dales Pony Dartmoor Pony The Don Donkey E Eriskay Pony Exmoor Pony F Falabella Fell Pony Fjord Horse Florida Cracker Friesian Horse G Georgian Grande Horse The GidrĂ¡n The Gotland Pony H Hackney Horse Haflinger Hanovarian Hessian Warmblood Highland Pony Holstein Hungarian Warmblood I Icelandic Horse The Irish Draught Horse Irish Thoroughbred K The Kabardin The Kisber Felver The Kiger Mustang The Knabstrupper L Lipizzaner Lippitt Morgan Lundy Pony Lusitano M Marwari Horse Mecklenburger The Medicine Hat Horse Morab Morgan Mountain Pleasure Horse Mule Mustang N New Forest Pony Newfoundland Pony Nokota Horse Noriker O Oldenburg The Orlov-Rostopchin The Orlov Trotter Ostfriese P Paso Fino Percheron Horse Peruvian Paso The Pintabian Poitevin The Pottok Prezwalski's Horse Q The Quariesian Quarter Horse Quarter Pony R The Racking Horse The Ranchero Stock Horse Rheinlander Russian Trakhener S Schleswiger Heavy Draft Shetland Pony Shire Horse Singlefooter Skyros Pony Sorraia Horse Spanish Horse Spanish Mustang Standardbred Suffolk Punch Sulphur Springs Mustang T Tennessee Walking Horse Thoroughbred Tersk Tiger Horse Trakehner W The Waler Welara Pony Welsh Pony and Cob Westphalian Wuerttemburger Z Zebra Zweibrucken
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