What is a Lippitt MorganBy Bob Griswold
June 1999
The Morgan horse breed is unique in that all
its members trace in direct male line to a single foundation sire, Justin
Morgan’s horse. The horse, known as Figure or Justin Morgan, sired horses
that bore an amazing resemblance to him, both in stature and in performance.
This resemblance led to the Morgan becoming the most popular American breed of
the 19th century.
As the dominant social climate in the 20th
century changed from rural to urban, the horse became a luxury. The demand for
pleasure horses increased while the demand for working horses diminished. Many
breeders, in order to meet market demands, tried to replace the Morgan’s
“blue collar” image with a more “aristocratic” type of
horse by introducing outside blood into the breed.
In the early 1970s a number of Vermonters who
cherished the old and unimproved 1790 model Morgan Horse, gathered together in
an attempt to preserve this wonderful icon of our past. After many months of
meetings, long discussions and painstaking pedigree research, a small group of
horses were identified as being as close as possible to the original Old
Vermont Morgan Horse. The horses chosen had a minimum number of known out
crosses to other breeds in the 19th century and no out crosses to any other
breed in the 20th century. Each of them also had a close cross to Peters Ethan
Allen 2d 406, who was chosen as the “cornerstone” stallion for this
family of Morgan horses.
Today’s descendants of these horses are
called Lippitts.
The name “Lippitt” was the registered
prefix of Robert Lippitt Knight, of Providence, Rhode Island. Mr. Knight owned
the Green Mountain Stock Farm in Randolph, Vermont, not far from the farm where
Justin Morgan lived. Mr. Knight was a major breeder of “old type
Morgans” from 1927 until 1962. The old type Morgans in Vermont were
generally referred to as “Lippitts." It is for this reason and to
honor Mr. Knight’s contribution to the Morgan breed that the name Lippitt
was chosen for this family of horses and for the Club that admires them.
The group that was to become the Lippitt Club
identified 25 horses as the foundation stock of the Lippitt family of Morgan
horses. The horses that were chosen for the Lippitt foundation stock all
adhered to the following characteristics.
- They were AMHA or CMHR registered Morgans
- They each had a close cross to Peters’
Ethan Allen 2d 406, chosen as the “cornerstone” stallion of the
Lippitt Morgan
- They have produced one or more lines of
descent that is present in today’s “Lippitt” population.
Because Mr. Knight was a large breeder, he
would sometimes breed to outside bloodlines. Conversely, there were others who
bred Morgan horses that do fit the club’s definition of a Lippitt. So, it
is the pedigree, rather than the breeder that determines whether or not a
Morgan horse can be called a Lippitt.
When the Morgan Horse Club was formed on Sept.
23, 1909 on the Vermont State Fair grounds, its primary stated purpose was,
“To perpetuate the Morgan breed of horses by preserving the original blood
and type rather than by effort to bring about improvement or change in size,
speed or other features.” Some of the Lippitt foundation horses that were
at that fair included, Welcome, Donald and Bob B. These horses were referred to
as “the old blood & ancient type," the very horses that the
Morgan Horse Club was formed to perpetuate.
It is through the effort and continued hard
work of the many members of the Lippitt Club that this original purpose has
been preserved.
Because of them, these ancient ones still walk
among us.
Today’s Lippitt Morgan is the visible
descendant of the Morgan Horses that fought our wars, cleared our land, plowed
our fields, herded our cattle, carried us westward and drove us to our churches
on Sunday during the 19th century.
To touch a Lippitt is to touch history
The Foundation Stock
Mares |
Stallions |
Bonnie Jean 0343 |
Croydon Prince 5325 |
Bridget 02852 |
Rob Roy 4483 |
Croydon Mary 02900 |
Donald 5224 |
Emily 03026 |
Bob B 5282 |
Evilyn 0684 |
Welcome 5702 |
Hanna 03196 |
Sir Ethan Allen 6537 |
Hippolyta 03222 |
Sealect 7266 |
Jenny Woodbury 03258 |
Bilrubin 7462 |
Lippitt Sallie 04565 |
Lippitt Trixie x04695 |
Lucille 01547 |
Lucinne 04542 |
Nancy 03553 |
Polly Rogers 02109 |
Rose of Sutton 02232 |
Susie 03786 |
Trilby 02532 |