EquiWorld.org: Horse History Blog - Post #2002: The Year 2002
By Emma, 20 year old Grey Draught Mare (Hayfield, Scotland)
Hello everyone, and welcome back to my little corner of the internet! As many of you know, I'm a big fan of history, and particularly equine history. Today I thought we’d look back to 2002. It feels like yesterday, really. So, saddle up, dear readers, and join me on a gallop through the year 2002 in the world of horses!
My Year
Oh, 2002. What a wonderful year! That year I was just turning 10 – the age of wisdom and mischief combined. It was a summer like no other – sunlight on my coat all day long, delicious fresh grass to munch on, and long, lazy days with my fellow drafties at Hayfield. The hayloft felt especially cozy in the evenings, and I distinctly remember dreaming about all the lovely things I’d done that day.
I know many horses would think this sort of life a little humdrum. But the rolling fields around here always hold a sort of magic for me, and I loved the feel of the crisp Scottish air against my face. It gave me strength. Besides, we had plenty of adventures, even if they weren't the usual 'horse and rider' variety.
Our days were mainly focused on pulling. It’s our bread and butter, after all! But even pulling could be adventurous, you know? We took a trip that year to the big agricultural fair down the road. There was a whole field dedicated to showing off draught horse breeds, and I must confess I enjoyed the compliments on my fine, grey coat. And the oat cakes? Well, let’s just say my human, farmer William, never saw oats disappear so quickly.
On the Wider Scene: The Dressage Fever Takes Hold
The world outside of Hayfield was a hive of activity for horses that year. It felt like all the world was obsessed with a sort of ... ballet for horses. Dressage was absolutely taking off everywhere. The Olympic Games were in Salt Lake City, and you should have seen the TV coverage – every equestrian fan, even old farmers like William, had their noses glued to the screen! It seems the world was getting rather “equestrian” at that time, with these fancy dance movements becoming quite a big deal.
My cousin Tilly, a graceful Thoroughbred mare living with her family in Yorkshire, was very taken with this “dance.” It wasn't something we drafties really considered, but Tilly seemed to have a true knack for it. We used to have long phone conversations where she would describe all the intricate moves and her fancy new bridle! It was exciting, even from my peaceful Hayfield perspective.
The Year the World Talked about Horses… and Foot and Mouth
The world of horses wasn't all sunshine and rosettes, however. 2002 brought about a time of great worry, with a big, nasty disease going around that was affecting horses and other farm animals. I remember there being talk of “Foot and Mouth”, something that made even William worry and caused a real feeling of anxiety everywhere.
Of course, all our outings stopped because of the virus. I understand why they did this. We didn’t want to risk getting ill, and William did everything he could to keep us healthy. But the lack of trips made my heart ache a little bit, and it was unsettling. It was a real dark cloud over our field, a reminder that life for us is not always rosy.
Remembering the Classics
We had plenty to entertain ourselves with during that unsettling time though! We had lovely long days exploring our fields, a constant change of scenery, and of course, William would tell us all sorts of horse stories and fables that night after night. One evening, William shared with me a poem about a knight and his faithful steed. Now I may be a draught horse, but I have to say I found myself enthralled by the heroic nature of that bond. Even though those days are long gone, horses continue to inspire some fantastic storytelling.
Looking Forward: More to Come…
Now, as I write this post from Hayfield, my ears are perked to the wind as the first lambs of spring call from the fields. What exciting times are ahead! New stories to be told, new races to watch. My heart feels warm just thinking about the new experiences coming our way, and it's all thanks to horses!
I am so glad that I can share all of this with you here on Equiworld. I'm hoping that you'll come back next week for another horse-filled blog post. And until then, have a lovely time galloping through the countryside!