Breeds and Types of Horse or Pony from around the world.
A The Abaco Wild Horse The Akhal-Teke The American Cream Draft The American Paint Horse Andalusian Anglo and Part-Bred Arab Appaloosa The Arab Horse The Ardennes Australian Stock Horse The Azteca B The Bashkir The Bashkir Curly Bavarian Warmblood The Blazer Horse Boulonnais Brandenburg Brindle Horses British Spotted Horse & Pony The Budenny C The Canadian Pony of the Americas Camargue Horse Caspian Pony Caspian Arabian The Chincoteague Pony Cleveland Bay Clydesdale Horse Coloured Horse and Pony Society (UK), Connemara Pony Curly Haired Missouri Fox Trotters D Dales Pony Dartmoor Pony The Don Donkey E Eriskay Pony Exmoor Pony F Falabella Fell Pony Fjord Horse Friesian Horse G The GidrĂ¡n The Gotland Pony H Hackney Horse Haflinger Hanovarian Hessian Warmblood Highland Pony Holstein Hungarian Warmblood I Icelandic Horse The Irish Draught Horse Irish Thoroughbred K The Kabardin The Kisber Felver The Kiger Mustang L Lipizzaner Lippitt Morgan Lundy Pony Lusitano M Marwari Horse Mecklenburger The Medicine Hat Horse Morab Morgan Mountain Pleasure Horse Mule Mustang N New Forest Pony Nokota Horse Noriker O Oldenburg The Orlov-Rostopchin The Orlov Trotter Ostfriese P Paso Fino Percheron Horse Peruvian Paso Poitevin Prezwalski's Horse Q The Quariesian Quarter Horse Quarter Pony R The Racking Horse Rheinlander Russian Trakhener S Shetland Pony Shire Horse Skyros Pony Sorraia Horse Spanish Horse Spanish Mustang Standardbred Suffolk Punch Sulphur Springs Mustang T Tennessee Walking Horse Thoroughbred Tersk Tiger Horse Trakehner W The Waler Welara Pony Welsh Pony and Cob Westphalian Wuerttemburger Z Zebra Zweibrucken
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